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Verfasser: svenx
Datum: Mittwoch, den 19. Januar 2011, um 10:58 Uhr
Betrifft: Der Katechismus steht im Handbuch Allgemeine Anweisungen

Seit Herbst 2010 gibt es ja eine entschärfte Version des Handbuchs, die ich nicht kenne.

Aber die 2006er Version, die nur Bischöfe mit nach Hause nehmen konnten liegt auf Wikileaks. Durch die bekannten Attacken auf die Site finde ich gerade auf keinen Link mehr dazu.

Egal, jedenfalls betreibt deine Kirche natürlich Inqusition und wird das auch immer tun. Vielleicht ist man jetzt etwas kulanter geworden, aber wir befinden uns ja eigentlich schon länger in der Neuzeit...


Zugegeben etwas reißerischer Auszug, aber im Kern wahr:

>What the Mormon Church leaders do not realize is that at the heart of "apostasy" is skeptical thinking, and skeptical thinking is at the heart of democracy, science, and freedom.

Excerpts from pages 94-95, which discuss when a council of local Mormon leaders is to be formed to discipline a Mormon Church member.

"...Disciplinary Councils

Because formal Church discipline is ecclesiastical, not civil or criminal, court procedures of the state or nation do not apply. However, procedures in a Church disciplinary council must be fair and considerate of the feelings of all who participate.

When a Disciplinary Council Is Mandatory

A disciplinary council must be held when evidence suggests that a member may have committed any of the following transgressions.


As used here, murder refers to the deliberate and unjustified taking of human life. It requires excommunication. Abortion is not defined as murder for this purpose. If death was caused by carelessness or by defense of self or others, or if mitigating circumstances prevail (such as deficient mental capacity or wartime conditions), the taking of a human life might not be defined as murder. Bishops refer questions on specific cases to the stake president. He may direct questions to the Office of the First Presidency if necessary


As used here, incest refers to sexual relations between a parent and a natural, adopted, or foster child or stepchild. A grandparent is considered the same as a parent. Incest also refers to sexual relations between brothers and sisters. It almost always requires excommunication. Bishops refer questions on specific cases to the stake president. He may direct questions to the Office of the First Presidency if necessary.

Child Abuse

As used here, child abuse refers to a sexual offense against or serious physical abuse of a child. If priesthood leaders learn of or suspect child abuse, they should follow the instructions on pages 157-58.


As used here, apostasy refers to members who:

1. Repeatedly act in clear, open, and deliberate public opposition to the Church or its leaders.

2. Persist in teaching as Church doctrine information that is not Church doctrine after they have been corrected by their bishops or higher authority

3. Continue to follow the teachings of apostate sects (such as those that advocate plural marriage) after being corrected by their bishop or higher authority.

In such cases, excommunication may be necessary if repentance is not evident after counseling and encouragement. ..."

Comment: The above section is an expansion on what the evil Mormon leaders put on pages 89-90.

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