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Verfasser: Nyu
Datum: Dienstag, den 9. März 2004, um 8:43 Uhr
Betrifft: eine kleine Geschichte am Rande...

aus einem anderen Forum. Ein gewisser Theo hat dort sehr traurige eigene Erfahrungen mit Macht, Depression und Verantwortung in der einzig-wahren Kirche gemacht.

Wie man schnell wird sehen können, ist er zutiefst entsetzt über diese Situation, dass er nicht mehr recht sachlich mit ihr umgehen kann. Das wird aber sicher kommen, wenn er sich gefangen hat.
Was dieser Beitrag aber sicher zeigen wird ist, dass etwas ziemlich "fucked up" ist im Staate Dänemark.

Sein Beitrag ist betitelt:  "My Sister in Law just attempted suicide"

My brother has cerebral palsy; I would probably classify it as a “medium case”, not in a wheel chair, but still has difficulty functioning normally physically.

When he met his wife it was the typical “the spirit told us so” type of marriage (married within three months after meeting).

Of course, being the circumstances that they are (Bro having cerebral palsy and all) the “spiritual conviction” part of their marriage was the main emphasis, as there were few women who would take him as a husband in his condition.

Anyways, SIL was the oldest of twelve kids, always taking care of the other kids, always “taking responsibility” (as is very common for the oldest of such a large Mormon family) so by the time her “duty” to be a mother came around she was pretty much fed up with it.

Her father is a psychiatrist and can write prescriptions for who he wants at will. From the time she was small he has had her on every drug under the sun. Supposedly she has been diagnosed (by him) with several different mental disorders (I think she’s just depressed and unhappy in her lifestyle and doesn’t know why, like so many Mormons).

Isn’t it fucking amazing how simple so many of these “mental disorders” really are when you use a (....) brain which has a (...) grasp on (...) reality in order to figure out the problem?

Not saying she doesn’t have mental disorders, I just think our “mental professionals” today are a little confused, that’s all (especially Mormon shrinks).

They just popped out their 5th kid, and it was an unwanted kid (God forbid the word abortion enter the FUCKING equation) and unexpected pregnancy, and of course they went along with it and did it anyways, but to their utter abhorrence because they could barely handle the four they had.

So SIL has been trying to get off of her drugs, but I guess it was too much for her to handle having a hubby who could provide little in the sharing of the physical care of the children department. Not to mention, she has basically been a mother her entire life and is fucking fed up with it.

And of course a new baby which they can barely (by the skin of their (...) teeth) handle to take care of.

Lets not forget about all of the fucking church parameters set for us all to conform, all of the fucking social/religious expectation, the fucking guilt, the asinine norms and tenets everyone automatically assumes should be part of everyone else’s lives as fucking cult members.

So the other day she popped a whole boatload of her pills and tried to end her own life (is in the hospital).


I am sick and fucking tired of having to deal with the bullshit dished out via family fucking situations because of this fucking fucked up fucking piece of fucking shit cult!

I refuse to stand for any of this fucking bullshit for another fucking second.

I am telling my fucking family how I view this entire scenario; I am going to fucking give it to them, every fucking word of it as straight as I fucking can.

I am not going to sit here on my fat fucking white trash, Utahan ass and stand for this fucking bullshit anymore.

I am sick and fucking tired of people pawning their miserable lives off as “happiness” because of their conditioned psyches!

I am sick and tired of seeing people in misery because of this stupid fucking cult!!!

I am on a new fucking mission, a mission of peace, a mission of revival, a mission of new fucking beginnings!

It’s time to set my fucking example through reality based verbal fucking communication.




In the end she is the one who bit off more than she could chew, but I know what I am blaming it all on, and if any of you have a problem with that I could give a flying FUCK!

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