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Verfasser: Nyu
Datum: Freitag, den 30. Dezember 2005, um 1:19 Uhr
Betrifft: Daniel C. Petersens eigene Antwort auf diese Frage

Dies ist aus einer Diskussion zwischen einem gewissen BYU Gestapo und Daniel Petersen in einem Internetblog.

Dieses Zitat ist die Antwort von Petersen auf einige Aussagen und Anmerkungen von BYU Gestapo.
Die letzte Frage im Zitat bezieht sich direkt auf die "Einführung" des Buches Mormon.

Die Diskussion ist unter folgender Quelle nachzulesen:

At 9:04 AM, September 19, 2005, Daniel Peterson said...
BYU Gestapo: "People keep saying that the hemispheric model hasn’t been canonized, but it has."

If the hemispheric model of Book of Mormon geography has been canonized, it’s awfully difficult to understand why John Sorenson and others on the BYU payroll have been so entirely free to publicly dissent from it for decades (including, for example, publishing articles in the Church’s official magazine back in the mid-1980s advocating a limited geographical model and publishing books like Sorenson’s Ancient American Setting for the Book of Mormon through the Church’s wholly owned publishing house, Deseret Book). It’s difficult to think of any genuinely canonical doctrine (e.g., the existence of God, the deity of Christ, the atonement, the antiquity of the Book of Mormon, the prophethood of Joseph Smith, etc., etc.) that could be freely and openly rejected, in speeches, in classes, and in print -- in the Ensign, no less, and in publications of Deseret Book -- by any member of the Church without repercussions, let alone by a member of the BYU faculty.

BYU Gestapo: "The title page of the Book of Mormon is CURRENTLY part of the standard works."

I think that you probably intend to refer to Elder McConkie’s 1989 introduction to the Book of Mormon, and not to the Title Page, which Joseph Smith identified as having been translated from the ancient plates.

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