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Verfasser: Gunar
Datum: Freitag, den 30. Januar 2004, um 18:19 Uhr
Betrifft: Was in SLC gezeigt werden darf und was nicht

Ein Leserbrief bringt die faule Ausrede mit dem angeblich mangelhaften künstlerischen Anspruch des Films auf den Punkt:

What about ’Orgazmo’?

There’s something odd about the Salt Lake Film’s Society decision not to screen the now-controversial gay- and Mormon-themed "Latter Days." Brooke Harper, the society’s executive director, has said that she declined to book the film because of its lack of artistic merit. The film, she says, is "awful" and "embarrassing." It’s also, she has also told a correspondent, "replete with embarrassing stereotypes of gay people and gay culture."

No doubt the local gay community appreciates Harper’s looking out for their best interests. But I am bemused that the society’s concern for artistic merit didn’t keep them from screening the crude, lowbrow comedy "Orgazmo" at the Tower. The society claims to be averse to screening awful and embarrassing stereotypes of gay people, but they’ll show awful and embarrassing stereotypes of Mormons for a mere $5 a head.
Hugo Olaiz
Salt Lake City


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