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Verfasser: Martin007
Datum: Mittwoch, den 10. März 2010, um 10:45 Uhr
Betrifft: solche abstrusen Mutmaßungen

McConkie war ein echter Hardliner und Jesus war der Sohn Gottes literallly:

But the thing that we are concerned with here in mortality, is to have the Holy Ghost reveal to us the things of God, the knowledge that God is our Father, that Jesus Christ is his Son, literally born of him in the flesh, and that the kingdom of God has been set up on earth again for the last time, that we with the ancients, might be heirs of the fullness of the Father’s kingdom.

Jesus was Heavenly Father’s firstborn spirit child in heaven.  He was begotten by God through Mary as in a “literal, full and complete sense” in the same “sense in which he is the son of Mary” (Bruce McConkie, A New Witness for the Articles of Faith, [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1993], p. 67).

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