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Verfasser: svenx
Datum: Montag, den 19. Juli 2010, um 18:24 Uhr
Betrifft: Weitere Vorschläge

Far from neutral or objective, but I find it’s easiest to let the Mormons discredit themselves. You don’t need "anti" material to do it.

The Journal of Discourses Online:


B.H. Roberts’ ’Comprehensive History of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints’:


Und ein weiterer ungefilterter Kommentar, wäre ja albern wenn ich jetzt so tue, als wären das meine Ideen;-)

Anything the Mormons don’t like said about them - no metter how true it is - is labeled "anti-Mormon". A good deal of the meterial available that is "neutral" is classigfied as "anti-" because is does not match Mormon "history" that has been thoroughly sanitized by the Mormons overthe years.

Perhaps a good resource would be those section from the JoD which are now considered "anti-Mormon". Your friend may find that some of the worst of "Anti-Mormon" histories comes from what past leaders and prophets have said and done. More recent leaders have even gone to the lengths as attempting to remove historical sources from the general Mormon population to prevent them from learning what past Mormons such as Brigham Young have said and taught. The source material in Fawn Brodie’s book "No Man Knows My Histroy" for the part about Joseph Smith’s polygamous wives was from meterial compiled under Brigham Young’s direction. He pulled the material together to counter Joseph Smith III’s claims that his father never sanctioned or practiced polygamy.

On a personal note, my oldest son went through the temple after the changed that occurred in the early 1990’s. When he came back from his mission, he had a conversation with my wife and I that he had heard that the temple ceremony had been changed before he took out his endowments. He had decided that it was an Anti-Mormon claim to discredit the church. Both my wife and I told him otherwise. I hope we were able to set him straight. It is an example, however, of how the truth becomes "Anti-Mormon" when it is not faith promoting for the faithful. It is also an example of how "neutral" history becomes transformed into "Anit-Mormon" history.

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