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Beitrag 27 von 64 Beiträgen.
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Verfasser: svenx
Datum: Montag, den 19. Juli 2010, um 18:07 Uhr
Betrifft: Einige Vorschläge

Ich hab extra für dich bei den amerikanischen Profis nachgefragt, vielleicht kommen auch noch mehr Antworten: :-)

Ein Zitat:

Finding "neutral" historians for Mormons is a difficult thing to do, because when their history doesn’t support the supernatural claims made by Mormons, then they see it as "anti." But here are some books I recommend:

Mormonism and the Magic World View - D. MICHAEL QUINN
The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power - D. MICHAEL QUINN

Mormon enigma: Emma Hale Smith - By Linda King Newell, Valeen Tippetts Avery

An Insider’s View of Mormon Origins - Grant H. Palmer

Joseph Smith: The First Mormon - By Donna Hill

(Except for Donna Hill) these books were all written by Mormons (at least at the time they wrote them) so you can tell your friend that.

Donna Hill is not Mormon but her book doesn’t come across as “anti” either.

I recommend going to www.signaturebooks.com which specializes in LDS topics/history and are books written by respectable historians (Mormon & non-Mormon) but they don’t shy away from the not so faith promoting parts of Mormon history.

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