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Verfasser: Sappho
Datum: Samstag, den 20. Dezember 2008, um 3:06 Uhr
Betrifft: Antonio A. Feliz und schwule Tempelsiegelungen

Dazu schrieb ich dieses in einem früheren Beitrag:

Datum: Dienstag, den 30. September 2008, um 4:21 Uhr
Betrifft: Aus einer PM

Diese Mail kam von einem schwulen Mormonen, der zumThema Mormonen und Homosexualität eine eigene Webseite hat. Er schrieb auf meine Frage, ob in der LDS jemals im Tempel schwule Männer aneinander gesiegelt wurden:

As to your question, there is a long answer and a short answer.  The short is: No.  Joseph Smith, nor any other LDS Church leader, has ever sealed gays in the temple.  This is a rumor, started by a Gay Mormon named Antonio Feliz.
He was a bishop at one point, and also a temple sealer.  He then came out of the closet (which means he publicly declared himself Gay), divorced his wife, and then he decided to start his own "Gay Mormon Church" called the Restoration Church of Jesus Church of LDS, with him as the Prophet of course.
About that same time, he wrote a book called "Out of the Bishop’s Closet".  In that book, as part of his justification for being Gay, he said that Joseph Smith had sealed men to himself and to other early Apostles, and that this had homosexual overtones.  But he was wrong and basically lied.  It is true, Joseph Smith did seal other men to him - but as his SONS.  In fact, Joseph Smith taught in Nauvoo that basically for ANY MAN to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, they had to be sealed to him as his child or as the child of one of the Twelve Apostles; women could enter heaven either by being adopted as daughters, or sealed as wives to these same men - and thousands of Mormon women were sealed to Joseph Smith as his wives AFTER his death, hoping that would guarantee them a place in heaven.  These rituals for the men though were "celestial adoptions" NOT same-sex marriages for eternity.  Brigham Young tried to keep this practice going once he came to Utah and literally HUNDREDS of men were sealed to him as his adopted sons, but the practice soon stopped.

Damit dürfte wohl klar sein, dass ich und andere auf eine Lüge reinfielen.

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