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Verfasser: shana
Datum: Donnerstag, den 1. September 2005, um 18:40 Uhr
Betrifft: hier ein Beispiel für Probleme, die bei der religiösen Kindererziehung

entstehen können, wenn die Eltern verschiedene Weltanschauungen haben. Ich hänge den Beitrag mal hier dran, weil es thematisch passt, nicht weil ich Linda damit erschrecken will.

Dies fand ich im RFM-Forum. In diesem Fall sind die Eltern zwar geschieden, das Problem ist jedoch das gleiche. Beide Eltern haben weiterhin Einfluss auf die Erziehung der gemeinsamen Kinder:

Mo-Vater erzählt seinem Sohn, warum manche Menschen eine dunkle Hautfarbe haben. Fluch Gottes etc.. Das etwas heimtückische an der Sache, er instruiert den Kleinen, das aber niemandem weiter zu erzählen. Da das Kind aber erst 7 Jahre alt ist, berichtet es natürlich trotzdem:-) von diesem neugewonnenen Wissen und zwar zu Hause in Mutters neuer Patchwork-Familie beim Abendessen. Die Patchwork-Geschwister fallen ob dieser Nachricht vor Lachen fast vom Stuhl......
Die Frage ist nun, wie soll die Mutter darauf reagieren, ohne den Vater vor seinem Sohn schlecht/als Idioten/als Lügner dastehen zu lassen....


(Titel:  A Vent about TBM ex-husband and what he teaches our kids. 1. Sept. 10:08 Jody)

<<<< I’ve been lurking on this board and posting comments on and off for several years. Today is the first time I’ve felt the need to vent about the Church and its affects in my own post.

I was running errands with my teenage daughter last night, and while I was gone, my boyfriend and our combined family sat down for dinner. (A little heads-up here--my boyfriend knows absolutely nothing about Mormonism, and has no desire to learn. He thinks its funny I ever was one.)

My 7-year-old son blurted out to my bf and the kids (1 mine, 2 his), "Did you know that the great great great great great great great (infinity) grandma’s and grandpa’s of black people were wicked? That’s why they are cursed. The curse is dark skin."

My bf and his kids were laughing so hard. They had never heard such a thing, and asked my boy where he got that from. He said "My Dad told me, but he said I’m not supposed to tell anyone."

So here I come, and my bf says to me, ask John why black people are black. I thought to myself, "oh my gawd", and John proceeds to tell me the "great great wicked cursed" blather. I told my son that was NOT true, that his father was mistaken in his beliefs, and that thinking that way was WRONG and if he said that in public he’d probably get his butt beat up by someone with "dark, cursed skin."

My bf made a VERY good point (after I explained that what my son was talking about was Mormon doctrine). He said, "What makes me wonder is not the sick wierd doctrine of where blacks came from, but the fact that his father told his son that he must keep that particular belief a secret. Seems kind of dishonest and cowardly to me." This is a man who knows nothing about Mormonism--NOTHING. And yet he hit the nail on the head!!!

To make matters worse, while we were watching our favorite show before bed...my HOME TEACHER called me. I moved 9 months ago and left NO FORWARDING address, yet they found me. I told him I wanted NO CONTACT, and he tried talking me out of it by saying as a single mother, I need the church’s programs for my children to help me. Give me a F-ing break--I’m happier and more ALIVE now than I ever have been, have a HEALTHY relationship with a man who treats me as his equal, and my kids ARE NOT going to be brainwashed by that garbage anymore.

Honestly, I am now on a crusade to rid my children of that warped thinking no matter what their father says or wants.


How the hell I point out how ridiculous these beliefs are without making their Father look like a liar. Nothing worse than bad mouthing the "other" parent. <<<<

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