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Verfasser: Sappho
Datum: Montag, den 8. April 2013, um 1:53 Uhr
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Gestern erhielt ich per Email eine Werbung der Firm Foundation. Hier der Text:

Our 11th International Book of Mormon Evidence Conference was the largest and many have told me the best conference ever.  It just keeps getting more and more exciting and better!  I will be sending out a full report on the conference and all the newsworthy stories that came from it, but right now there is something incredible that must be announced immediately because it is beginning today!
Nephite Explorer TV Series  
At 12:00 pm (Noon) TODAY, immediately following the first session broadcast of LDS General Conference, will be the PREMIER of the new TV series, Nephite Explorer, featuring some aspects of the Heartland Model Geography!  It will re-broadcast at 6:30 PM.
Independent Investigative Journalist Ryan Fisher has produced an incredible new TV series that will begin today on KJZZ-TV14 in Utah and surrounding areas as well as via streaming video to anywhere in the world.  This 30 minute first episode will explore some of the evidences of the Book of Mormon Nephite civilization in North America, beginning in Israel.  You don’t want to miss this show!  
Please make every effort to watch this made-for-TV series and invite everyone you know that is interested in the Book of Mormon to watch as well!  Please call a few friends and invite them to watch this program, they will be glad you did them this wonderful favor.
2013 is starting out incredibly for we "Heartlanders."
                      - Rod L. Meldrum - President, The FIRM Foundation

KJZZ-TV14 featuring airing the first episode of the new Book of Mormon series, Nephite Explorer beginning today, Sunday, April 7th. Ryan Fisher, the shows producer has created the first ever made-for-TV program featuring the Heartland Model Geography.  
See the trailer HERE. 

Sie tun immer noch so, als ob es ÜBERZEUGENDE BEWEISE für die Echtheit des Buches Mormon geben würde. Schaut man/frau jedoch etwas genauer hin, so sind es Spekulationen, die als Wahrheit verkauft werden.
Und, alles wird widerspruchslos als WAHRHEIT geglaubt und verbreitet werden.
Das ist es, was mich am meisten erstaunt!

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