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Verfasser: Sappho
Datum: Donnerstag, den 9. Juni 2011, um 13:32 Uhr
Betrifft: Und wieder ein Mormone im Knast

SALT LAKE CITY — Not being able to serve an LDS Church mission because his girlfriend became pregnant devastated Nathan Kapp.
Nathan Kapp, of Syracuse, was ordered Tuesday to serve a 30-month prison after pleading guilty to money laundering. His attorney says he now understands his "mixed-up justification" for years of stealing money.
The shame of failing to follow in his brothers’ missionary footsteps, of being kicked out of Ricks College, of disappointing his family and tight-knit religious community rocked him to the core. The scholar and athlete, the "perfect kid" had messed up in a big way, according to his attorney Daphne Oberg.
Kapp took responsibility for his daughter, married the woman and tried to make a life for his family, which eventually included two more daughters.
But he never seemed to get ahead. And he continued to think of himself as a failure. Kapp took a job as an accountant with Don Julio Foods in Clearfield where he decided to "borrow" money for a down payment on a house. Owning a home, he rationalized, would show people back in Idaho Falls that he wasn’t a failure. And besides, he would pay it back before anyone noticed.
He never paid it back, and in fact he skimmed a little more here and there for "emergencies." When his employer discovered the theft, Kapp pleaded guilty to misdemeanor communications fraud and spent 72 days in jail.
Quelle: http://www.ksl.com/?nid=960&sid=15877964&s_cid=rss-960

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