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Verfasser: Sappho
Datum: Sonntag, den 6. Februar 2011, um 14:41 Uhr
Betrifft: Dallin H. Oaks quasselt wieder Blödsinn

Am vergangenen Freitag hielt Oaks eine Ansprache an der Chapman Universität indem er sagte:

The 1st Amendment right to freedom of religion is under siege

Weiter sagte erlaut einer Zeitschrift aus LA:

"For some time .... we have been experiencing laws and official actions that impinge on religious freedom."

Annie Laurie Gaylor, Vizepräsidentin der Freedom From Religion Foundation, die für eine bewußte Tennung von Kirche und Staat eintritt, meinte, dass Oaks sich wegen der Kritik an seiner Sekre, und deren Beteiligung an Proposition 8 verletzt fühle, meinte:

"There’s a real irony, ... because he doesn’t understand the meaning of religiousfreedom.… What they want to do is to curtail freedom for gays. They’re not for freedom. They’re for theocracy in matters of marriage.…They’re not so different from the Islamists, the mullahs."

Und Kate Kendall, ehemalige Mormonin und ausführende Direktorin des National Center for Lesbian Rights, und ebenfalls Juristin, meinte:

"The church has a view about men and women and how they come together and how they form families that does not include same-sex relationships. And that’s fine. I have no quarrel with that".But the church also has "a view that civic life should be a reflection of Mormon Church doctrine," she added. "And I doubt that that is a vision that is shared by most of America."

Sie bezweifelte auch eine Diskrimminierung religiöser Freiheiten an:

"What a certain stripe of religious adherents are asking for is actually an exemption, a free pass, from laws that apply generally to everyone else — for example, nondiscrimination protections".

Quelle aller kursiv geschriebenen Zitate: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/religion/la-me-beliefs-mormon-20110205,0,6671...

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