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Verfasser: Sappho
Datum: Sonntag, den 7. November 2010, um 8:16 Uhr
Betrifft: Brachte ein Mann seine Ehefrau wegen der Kirche um?

Wie die Salt Lake Tribune berichtet, sucht Josh Powell verzweifelt seine Frau (wie damals im Fall Hacking?). Er sagt, sie hätte die Familie verlassen, wäre seelisch instabil und könnte sich etwas angetan haben.
Meine Recherche fürte mich zu dieser Aussage:

Josh and Susan Powell, and an LDS Ultimatum — “Get Active, or I’m Leaving With the Kids”

Just saw this blurb in the Deseret News this morning:

When Josh and Susan Powell were first married, both were very active in the LDS Church, Petersen said. They were sealed in the temple. But once they moved to Utah, Josh Powell stopped attending church.
Petersen said the Powells’ marriage counselor instructed Susan Powell to set specific goals. Susan Powell told her husband that her goal was for him to become active in the church again by the end of 2009 and to have his temple recommend again by their anniversary in the spring. Otherwise, she was going to divorce him and take the children, Petersen said.

Der Schreiber kommt zu dieser Schlußvolgerung:

What if you were the one who had lost your faith….and what if you lost it because of reasonable issues like polyandry….or racism…..or DNA in the Book of Mormon…or the Book of Abraham….or sexism in the church….or the treatment of homosexuals in the church….or whatever.  Or what if you sincerely prayed about the church, and felt the “Holy Ghost” tell you to LEAVE the church?  Or what if the church just didn’t inspire you any more?
And then what if your spouse threatened to leave you and take the kids for following your conscience?
That would be a horrible thing to experience.  How trapped and desperate would you feel in this situation?
Murder is obviously a horrendously terrible solution to such a situation….but such an ultimatum would be a horrible thing to face, I think: your conscience, or your wife and kids.  Over the years, I’ve had hundreds of people contact me with this very dilemma — so I think this topic is worth exploring.  I know it’s directly relevant to thousands of people out there who are struggling in silence w/ their faith, wondering what will happen if they “come out” to their spouse regarding their feelings.
Here are a few ways to restate the point of this post:

* Is it fair to leave a spouse  and take the kids if they go inactive?
* Would God/Jesus want this?
* Would the church leadership want/encourage this?
* Could an ultimatum like this make things worse in a marriage, and even become dangerous?

Unwillkürlich drängen sich Paraelen zum Fall Hacking und zum Fall Smith auf, auch wenn beide Männer ihre Frauen aus unterschiedlichen Gründen töteten, war in jedem Fall, direkt oder indirekt, die LDS darin involviert.
Ein Kommentar zu dem obrigen Artikel hatte mich sehr beschäftigt, darum möchte ich ihn auch hiewr posten:

Madam Curie
Dec 24th, 2009 at 10:46 am
What kind of marriage counselor recommends that a women given their spouse an ultimatum based on religious belief? “My counselor said you better believe in the Church, buster, or at least act like you do. Otherwise, I am suing for divorce.” If the counselor had suggested ultimatums like “stop cheating or else” or “stop lying or else” I would understand. But “get a temple recommend or else”?

Das zeigt mir, welch große Macht dieser Kult hat, und wie leicht es ist, diese Macht zu missbrauchen.

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