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Verfasser: Sappho
Datum: Donnerstag, den 28. Oktober 2010, um 22:11 Uhr
Betrifft: Der mormonische Umgang mit Fakten

> Werden wir konkret: Du vertrittst die Position, dass die HLT-Kirche „etwas mit einem Menschen macht“. Und die Ergebnisse dieses Prozesses sind für die Mitglieder durchweg negativ.

Für Frauen, Missbrauchsopfer und Homosexuelle/Transsexuelle ganz bestimmt.
Heute bereitete ich in Englisch einen Artikel vor, in dem esum Kindesmissbrauch in der LDS geht. Darin heißt es, und ich zitiere:

The Impact of Clerical Sexual Abuse Three highly relevant studies of adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse by church leaders and clergy have been conducted by Rossetti (1995); Gerdes, Beck, Cowan-Hancock, and Wilkinson-Sparks (1996); and Gerdes et al. (2002). All these studies found that the typical survivor became disillusioned with the church and suffered a loss of religious faith as a result of the
abuse and the subsequent institutional response to the abuse. Whereas Rossetti (1995) focused on the Catholic priesthood, the other two studies drew their samples from the Church of the Latter-day Saints (Mormons). (...)
In their study of 71 Mormon women who survived church childhood sexual abuse Gerdes et al. (1996, 2002) found these women’s healing journeys were especially difficult because for Mormons, the church pervades most of their social life. Moreover, Mormonism (like Catholicism) is a patriarchal
religion. The church’s typical reactions, according to the women, were being told to forgive the perpetrator and willful ecclesiastical denial. What many of these women discovered was that to recover, it was important for them to do their own spiritual work. (...)
Aus: The Impact of Priest Sexual Abuse: Female Survivors’ Narratives, http://aff.sagepub.com/

An anderer Stelle:

The power of the Mormon patriarch seems at times to go unchecked. In Case Reports of the Mormon Alliance (1996), Lavina Fielding Anderson and Janice Merrill Allred demonstrate a systemic problem of abuse within the LDS Church by male members hiding under the auspices of priesthood authority. Anderson, in her essay, “The LDS Intellectual Community and Church Leadership,” outlines the over-reaching authority of LDS leaders through their aggressive backlash against Mormon intellectuals in recent decades. (Fußnote in:

Fakt ist, dass die LDS für die Öffentlichkeit so tut, als hätte sie das Problem im Griff. Tatsache aber ist, dass sie es nicht hat, dass sie oft genug alles tut, um Täter (und sich selbst) zu schützen, und eine Strafvervolgung zu vereiteln. Dazu die Erfahrung einer Überlebenden sexueller Gewalt, deren Resumeè wie folgt lautet:

"Carol summarizes bleakly, ’I know of at least thirty people Hank molested when they were children.... Hank was never called to a disciplinary council, and we have never been given an explanation for this lack of Church action against him. We believe that Church officers shielded Hank from ecclesiastical action and even paid his bills because of his connection to an apostle’s family.’ "(Quoted from the the SLC Messenger: 11/96)
found at

Und solche Fälle gab und gibt es viele in der LDS. Ursachen dafür sind, wie verschiedene wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen ergaben, vor allen das patriarchalische Weltbild, dass Männern Macht in die Hände gibt, mit der sie missbrauchen können.

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