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Verfasser: Sappho
Datum: Dienstag, den 19. Oktober 2010, um 6:28 Uhr
Betrifft: Sachliche Argumente

> Da ging es zum Beispiel um die Frage, ob eine nicht durchgeführte Genanalyse einen zweifelsfreien DNA-Beweis für eine Vaterschaft darstellt (Du wirst Dich daran sicher erinnern).

Dazu habe ich schon geschrieben, auch, dass mehrere Zeugen aussagten, das Smith mehrere Kinder hatte. Zudem ist es schwierig, nach all den Jahren, die DNA einer einzelnen Person in seinen Nachkommen heute noch 100% nachzuweisen. Schwierig, aber nicht unmöglich:

At the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation, Dr. Scott R. Woodward and Ugo A. Perego are using DNA techniques to better understand the paternity issues related to possible children of Joseph Smith.  This genetic testing was part of several special projects designed to help the general public recognize the value of DNA in family history research.
"Reconstructing The Y-Chromosome of Joseph Smith", a paper detailing their research was presented at the Mormon History Association Conference May 28, 2005 and was also published in the Summer 2005 Journal of Mormon History (Vol 32, No 2). The paper discusses the paternities of Moroni Pratt (Mary Ann Frost) and Zebulon Jacobs (Zina Huntington Jacobs) as well as a claimed descendency through Fanny Alger, and concludes that none of these three were Joseph Smith’s children.
Ongoing research includes evaluation of Josephine Lyon (Sylvia Sessions Lyon) autosomal DNA.  "Hundreds of DNA samples from male and female descendants of both Josephine Lyon and Joseph Smith have been collected and are being analyzed with the objective of identifying lineage-specific markers..." (Perego, Woodward, Journal of Mormon History, Vol 32, No.2 fn 39).  In January 2004, Descendants of Josephine participating in this study indicated the research is "promising" in confirming Josephine as a daughter of Joseph Smith.  An August 2008 “Mormon Times” article indicates, “…they should know in the ‘next year or so’”.
The researchers are also hoping to study the other possible children of Joseph Smith and welcome the involvement of descendants.  http://www.wivesofjosephsmith.org/DNA.htm

D&C 132: Verse 37: Abraham received concubines, and they bore him children; and it was accounted unto him for righteousness...

Verses 62-63: And if he [Joseph Smith] have ten virgins given unto him by this law, he cannot commit adultery, for they belong to him, and they are given unto him; therefore is he justified.... for they are given unto him to multiply and replenish the earth, according to my commandment, and to fulfil the promise which was given by my Father before the foundation of the world, and for their exaltation in the eternal worlds, that they may bear the souls of men; for herein is the work of my Father continued, that he may be glorified.

Researchers have tentatively identified eight children that Joseph Smith may have had by his plural wives. Besides Josephine Fisher (b. Feb. 8, 1844) and Oliver Buell, named as possible children of Joseph Smith by his plural wives are John R. Hancock (b. Apr. 19, 1841), George A. Lightner (b. Mar. 12, 1842), Orson W. Hyde (b. Nov. 9, 1843), Frank H. Hyde (b. Jan 23, 1845), Moroni Pratt (b. Dec. 7, 1844), and Zebulon Jacobs (b. Jan 2, 1842). ("Mormon Polygamy: A History" by LDS Historian Richard S. Van Wagoner, pages 44, 48- 49n3.) http://www.i4m.com/think/history/joseph_smith_sex.htm

> Oder um die Frage, ob die Schriftstelle „Du darfst nicht mit einem Mann schlafen, wie man mit einer Frau schläft; das wäre ein Gräuel“ tatsächlich in Levitikus 18:22 der Einheitsübersetzung der Bibel steht.

Es geht nicht darum, ob etwas "da steht", sondern, ob es korrekt übersetzt wurde, und darum, ob diese Schriftstelle nicht aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen wurde. Und, wie ich belegen konnte, hat Luther Gräuel falsch übersetzt, und der Kontext sagt auch etwas anderes aus, als deine Mormonenführerfuzzis dir weismachen wollen.
Und das versuchte ich dir zu erklären. Entweder war ich dazu unfähig, oder, was ich mittlerweile mehr glaube, du wolltest es gar nicht hören.

> Dafür schreibst Du dann aber: „Lieber Gipfelstürmer, ich verstehe ja, dass du als Mormone alles tun willst, um deinen Glauben und deinen Propheten Smith zu schützen“

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