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Verfasser: Sappho
Datum: Sonntag, den 17. Oktober 2010, um 8:46 Uhr
Betrifft: Nur ein Zitat

Die LDS sprach sich gegen das Mobbing von Homosexuellen aus. Ein schwuler Mormone dazu:

I don’t know about Mormon bullying. But I can tell you when I was still a scared, closeted,  repressed gay man worried about going to hell, one of the men in my Priesthood meeting said, "I hope they don’t find a cure for AIDS till all the gays are dead." And one of the missionaries said, "Homosexuality must be next to murder." When the father of one of my friends said, "I’d rather hear that my son was dead than that he was gay," my friend went home and slit his wrists. So what qualifies as bullying? Leaders of the Church saying we are following Satan and are weak-willed sinners if we can’t force our DNA to change? These men create untold misery for millions of people and then say, "Bullying is bad." I don’t buy it. ------- Johnny Townsend, author, The Abominable Gayman

Ich glaube ihnen auch kein Wort mehr, diesen mormonischen Heuchlern!!!!!>-(>-(>-(>-(>-(>-(>-(

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