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Verfasser: Sappho
Datum: Montag, den 2. November 2009, um 5:57 Uhr
Betrifft: "Thrapien" und Homosexualität

> @sappho: also dass das mit den elektroschocks immer noch gemacht wird, ist mir neu - das war doch in den 60ern?! oder sehe ich das falsch? Und das nun die Mission Homosexualität in der Missionszeit entdeckt wird ist doch Unsinn... entweder man bemerkt es irgendwann an sich oder nicht....

In "normalen" Praxen in den USA wird das auch nicht mehr gemacht, denn die US-Psychiatrievereinigung hat 1973-74 Homosexualität von ihrr Liste der zu behandelnden Krankheiten gestrichen. Dafür steht jetzt dort, dass Homophobie behandelt werden muß.;-)
An der Brigham Young Univewrsität wurde das bis Mitte der 90er Jahre,soweit mir bekannt ist, praktiziert. Junge Mormonen wurden, oft ohne Wissen und Einverständnis der Eltern,von ihrem Bischof/Pfahlpräsidenten dorthin "überwiesen".,wie "Rocky" Donovan in dem Film "Legacies" berichtete.
Organisationen wie "Evergreen-International" (von mormonischen "Therapeuten" gegründet, und der Kirche finanziell und logistisch unterstützt, soll jedoch solche "Therapien", wie ihre katholischen und evangelikalen Kollegen, anbieten. Jedoch weiß ich darüber nix Genaues. Sondern nur Gerüchte.
Ein junger Mann, der so ein "Programm" mitmachte, berichtete auf youtube:


Und über den Film Legacies, und was Mormonen da zu brichten hatten, findest du hir was:


Und, welche Erfahrungen Evergreen-International vermittel, ist hier was zu lesen:


Und über die "Thrapien, Vorstellungen (zur Homosexualität) und Ziele von Evergreen, findest du etwas auf ihrer Site:


Und hier möchte ich dir besonders diesen Link ans Herz legen:


Darin sagt der Apostel Hafen auf einer Konferenz von Evergreen:

"A second misconception the activists promote is that therapy cannot treat, let alone change, same-gender attraction.  This false assumption is linked to the first one: if you’re born gay, there is no need to change; and since you have a permanent condition, you can’t change anyway.  Evidence that people have indeed changed threatens the political agenda of the activists, because actual change disproves their claim that homosexuality is a fixed condition that deserves the same legal protections as those fixed conditions like race and gender.  So they don’t want you, or anyone else, to change, or even to believe that change is possible. "

Hier werden bewußt wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse geleugnet, um im Recht zu sein.

Der Witz dabi ist jedoch, dass die Mormonen nicht immer so homophob waren in ihrer Geschichte. Hier ein Beispiel aus einem Artikel, den "Rocky" Donovan" auf seiner Internetseite veröffentlichte:

"The "David and Jonathan" of the Primary: Louie B. Felt and May Anderson
Indeed at least one Mormon woman went so far as to request that her husband marry polygamously after she fell in love with another woman, so that the two women could openly live together. Sarah Louisa Bouton married Joseph Felt in 1866 as his first wife but according to a 1919 biography, around 1874, Louie (the masculinized nickname she preferred) met and "fell in love with" a young woman in her local LDS congregation named Alma Elizabeth (Lizzie) Mineer.[10] After discovering her intense passion for Lizzie Mineer, a childless Louie encouraged Joseph to marry the young woman as a plural wife, explaining "that some day they would be privileged to share their happiness with some little ones." Joseph married Lizzie Mineer in 1876. But Lizzie’s new responsibilities of bearing and raising children evidently proved too great a strain for her and Louie’s relationship. Five years later Louie Felt fell in love with "another beautiful Latter-day Saint girl" named Lizzie Liddell, and again Joseph obligingly married her for Louie’s sake. Thus Louie "opened her home and shared her love" with this second Lizzie.[11]
In 1883, 33 year old Louie Felt met 19 year old May Anderson, and they also fell in love. This time, however, May did not marry Joseph Felt. In 1889 May moved in with Louie, and Joseph permanently moved out of the house Louie had built and bought on her own.[12] Thus began one of the most intense, stable, and productive love relationships in turn-of-the-century Mormonism. These two women lived together for almost 40 years, and together presided over three of Mormonism’s most significant institutions: the General Primary Association (for Mormon children), the Children’s Friend (a magazine for young Mormons), and the Primary Children’s
Hospital.[13] Louie and May were fairly open about the romantic and passionate aspects of their relationship, as reported in their biographies published in several early issues of the LDS Children’s Friend. According to their recent biographer, Felt and Anderson’s relationship was a "symbiotic partnership with each compensating for the weaknesses and complementing the strengths of the other". The 1919 Children’s Friend biography more bluntly declared that "the friendship which had started when Sister Felt and [May Anderson] met...ripened into love. Those who watched their devotion to each other declare that there never were more ardent lovers than these two". The same biography also calls the beginning of their relationship a "time of love feasting", and makes it clear that the two women shared the same bed.[14] Twice in the Children’s Friend, Anderson and Felt were referred to as "the David and Jonathan" of the Primary, which, the magazine explained, was a common appellation for the women. For centuries, the biblical characters David and Jonathan have been classic signifiers of male-male desire and homoeroticism, because in the Hebrew scriptures, it was written in 2 Samuel 1:26 that upon Jonathan’s death in battle, David lamented, "very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women."[15] That these two women were described as "David and Jonathan" simultaneoulsy masculinizes them and firmly encodes their love for each other in a homoerotic context. (See David-Edward Desmond’s gravestone for another Mormon reference to this homoerotic scripture.)"

Die Homophobie in der "einzig wahren Kirche" kam erst Anfang der Fünfziger Jahre,also zu der Zeit von McCarthy und der aufkommenden Schwulenbewegung. Zufall?

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