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zum Thema Burkard: Verwandschaft?
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Verfasser: James
Datum: Freitag, den 26. Oktober 2001, um 20:13 Uhr
Betrifft: Burkard: Verwandschaft?

Hallo Burkard! Könnte es sein, daß es sich hier um Verwandschaft Deinerseits handelt? Artikel aus den YBU ... oooops ... BYU News. Für mich ein völlig stupider Artikel, der u.a. vom "mächtigen Missionar" Walter Kindt berichtet. Dem "ehemaligen deutschen Missionar und Missionspräsidenten", der im zweiten Weltkrieg als deutscher Soldat seiner Kameraden in einem heldenhaften Fußmarsch seine Kameraden anfeuerte nach Nazi-Deutschland zurückzumarschieren, zu Fuß, 7 Wochen lang, "aus der von den Allierten besetzten Normandie" heim in Reich, mittels des Mottos "Für Gott ist nichts unmöglich." Schier unglaublich und stupide. Sorry, my opinion. Ein nichtmormonischer Gott hätte ihm vielleicht ins Gehirn inspiriert, sich bereits in der Normandie zu ergeben ... anstatt dazu beizutragen, daß der elendige Kampf noch fast ein Jahr andauern mußte ... Der Gipfel der Stupidität wird über seinem Vortrag vor Studenten der BYU-Hawai zusammengefaßt: "Es muß nicht erwähnt werden, die Soldaten kehrten sicher zurück." Sicher ... nur wenn es nicht notwendig sei, warum tut er es dann doch? Übrigens der Rest der Welt kämpfte und verreckte elendig vor sich hin. Ob Kindt irgendwie bei Paul H. Dunn gelernt hat? Evtl. sollte man mal die Kriegsstories von Kindt einer genaueren Prüfung unterziehen ...

Question: Burkard, hast Du nähere Informationen (auch persönlich mailbar)? Einheit von W. Kindt etc. Namen, Orte?

"A mighty missionary’
Walter Kindt speaks at devotional
By Rachel Cone ~ Staff writer

Former German missionary and mission president Walter Kindt encouraged students, staff and faculty of BYUH to believe that "With God, nothing is impossible" as he spoke at the Devotional Assembly on Oct. 18 in the Cannon Activities Center.
Born and raised in Germany during WWII, Kindt served in the German army for four years beginning when he was just 17 years old. It was during those years that he gained his testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
After the allies invaded Normandy during WWII, Kindt and some of his comrades had no choice but to march back to Germany for safety. With a seven week journey on foot ahead of them many of the men questioned whether it was possible. Kindt demonstrated his faith to his peers as he said that it may be impossible for them, but not for God. Needless to say, the soldiers returned home safely.
As a young many going though the trials brought on by the war, Kindt yearned for his opportunity to share his testimony of the gospel. He said that every time he read the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, he prayed for the spirit of understanding. "The things of the Lord can only be understood with the spirit of the Lord," he said.
Kindt’s testimony filled him with a sense of responsibility that he needed to share it with others. Upon receiving his mission call to East Germany he realized that he could not support himself financially on a mission, but through his faith he knew the Lord would provide.
At his missionary farewell he shared the scripture found in Nephi 3:7, "And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepared a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."
Kindt served his mission behind the Iron Curtain for over five years. During his service in one of the most bombed-out cities in Germany, Kindt said that his branch was in desperate need for a new meetinghouse. What seemed an impossible feat was overcome as a member of the communist party offered the missionaries a place for their worship. To this experience Kindt related the scripture, "Prove me herewith and l will pour out the blessings of heaven upon you."
To gain eternal life we must do all that we can and return to the old principle of faith, Kindt said. He said that without faith it is impossible to please God."

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