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Verfasser: James
Datum: Dienstag, den 12. Juni 2001, um 4:10 Uhr
Betrifft: Paradenbericht

Aus der Salt Lake Tribune vom 11.06.2001:

"Parading Their Pride
With 20,000 to 25,000 people coming out to support us, the climate in Salt lake City has really changed," said Brooke Heart-Song, treasurer of Utah Pride Inc., which organizes the annual event. "Each year it is bigger, louder and happier."
There were different conditions several years ago, when out of fear of acceptance, the Utah Pride Day atmosphere amounted to "just a few dozen people hiding out in the park."
This year more than 50 groups had entries in the parade, which organizers claim is the city’s second-largest, behind the Days of ’47 event."

Die Gay Parade von Salt Lake City ist mittlerweile die zweitgrößte der Stadt.

"The procession began, as it does each year, with the huge rainbow banner -- as long as a football field -- the symbol of hope and pride for homosexuals. It was followed by an eclectic mix of entries, from community groups that support gay, lesbian and transgendered individuals, to men dressed as beauty queens.
Several entries just wanted to make a statement. Like the group dressed as Boy Scouts -- including pink kerchiefs -- and waving signs that called for "Scouting for all," a reference to the Boy Scouts of America’s stance against gay leaders."

Sollte uns an die Aktivitäten der Kirche erinnern, ihrer Klage vor dem obersten Gerichtshof, keine homosexuellen Truppführer unter den Pfadfindern (Boy Scouts of Amerca) zu erlauben. Als "Argument" drohte sie mt dem Austritt aus der Organisation (inkl. ihrer 400.000 Pfadfinder).  Oder wie "Mark" es beschrieb:

>"Jeder kann tun und lassen was er/sie will. ... Auch wenn wir als Kirche den Lebensstiel von Schwulen und Lesben nicht anerkennen, bleibt es dennoch der Person selbst ueberlassen was sie machen."

Wie "macht" es nun ein Homosexueller, Scoutführer zu sein?

Ein Widerspruch? Nicht für "Mark" .

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