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Verfasser: Sappho
Datum: Samstag, den 5. April 2008, um 0:07 Uhr
Betrifft: Hier irrt der Laie, und...

die Fachrau wundert sich!

> Das Argument, dass Satan schon im Vorfeld den göttlichen Heilsplan kannte und diesen grob entstellte, indem er ihn ins Heidentum einzuflechten versuchte, ist durchaus berechtigt.

Göttin, sag mal, hast du meinen Beitrag wirklich gelesen?
Wenn ja, könntest du so etwas nicht behaupten. Eine leicht zu durchschauende Taktik übrigens, die Mormonen meisterhaft beherrschen (jedenfalls die Fachapologethen unter ihnen).
Wenn ich allein schon daran zurückdenke, was alles geschrieben wurde, damit nicht rauskam, dass Old Joe Smith von den Freimaurern das Garment und die Endowmentrituale geklaut hatte. Da wurde doch tatsächlich frech, und entgegen allen Wissens behauptet, dass die Freimaurer vom Tempel Salomons die Rituale her hatten, obwohl schon damals bekannt war, das diese Rituale in England im Mittelalter erfunden wurden. Nicht die klauenden Mormonen waren Schuld, sondern die bösen Freimaurer! Das war damals wirklich zuim Schreien komisch! und in diese richtung geht auch deine Bemerkung. Hier mal etwas an Input für Dich:

In Canaan we find the Goddess as Athirat also called Asherah or Astarte and Her hierodule transsexual priestesses, the Qedshtu.  It should be noted that just as Gallae is changed into Gallus denying the very gender of these priestesses and erasing the truth of their lives, the bible refers to them as Qedeshim (masculine).  The functions of the Qedshtu were almost identical to those of the Assinnu and sexual congress with the Qedshtu was considered sex with Athirat Herself.  Apparently they also practiced a tantric sexual rite accompanied by drums and other instruments and also used flagellation to obtain an estatic state.  The worship of Athirat dates back as far as 8000 BCE by the Natufians who were replaced around 4000 BCE by the Yarmukians.  The young consort, Baal added around this time and somewhat better known in biblical times as El.  By around 2000 BCE the Qedshtu worn long flowing caftans made of mixed colours, interweaved with gold and silver threads intended to envoke a vision of Athirat in Her full glory in the springtime and are thought to have also worn veils over their faces.  They were renown for charity, maintained the garden like groves and temples of Athirat and were prized potters and weavers.  Among the surviving rites was the preparation of a sacred ritual food made from a mixture of milk, butter, mint and coriander blended in a cauldron and blessed by lighting seven blocks of incense over the top while accompanied by music played by other Qedshtu.
The invasion of Canaan by the bloodthirty, patriarchial and fanatical followers of Yahweh, the people later known as the Israelites, took place around 1000 BCE.  Yahweh’s worshipers insisted he was a jealous god that would have no rivals.  Unable to completely conquer the Canaanites, they lived in close proximity for a while.  It’s no wonder that the Israelite women were drawn to Athirat, now often called Asherah, whose followers believed in equality of the sexes.  It is no wonder that the sexually repressed Israelite men would also want to participate in Her rites.  For a time the religions mixed enough that Yahweh and Asherah were considered co-deities.  The Levite priests of Yahweh were at their wits end, since even their wives often openly worshiped Asherah.  That some of their "sons" became Qedshtu, can be decoded in the story of Joseph and his "coat of many colours".  It is believed that Rachel, Joseph’s mother, was a priestess of Asherah and the coat came from her.  We’ve mentioned the colourful caftans with gold and silver threads that were the marks of the Qedshtu, both transsexual and non transsexual priestesses.  Small wonder that Joseph’s brothers, devotees of Yahweh, would react badly to their brother becoming a woman, a hierodule priestess of Asherah, for indeed this is what the story indicates.
Almost all of the various levitian laws came from this period as an attempt to kept the Israelites from worshiping Asherah.  Outlawed was the "wearing of cloth made from mixed fibres", banned from the presence of Yahweh were the eunuchs who "had crushed their testicles between stones", outlawed was the wearing of clothing of the opposite sex.  Israelite men were given permission, even directed, to kill their own wives and children if they did not follow their teachings. The Levites were essentialists and not only would not recognize the womanhood of the trans-Qedshtu, but referred to them as men who laid with men.  Among the Canaanites, homosexual behaviour wasn’t uncommon and was widely accepted.  There are ample examples of artwork showing these relations that are clearly not with Qedshtu.  Then, as today, these essentialists failed to understand the difference between a transsexual and a homosexual.  It wasn’t so much the homoerotic sex that upset them, it was the idea that a man would become a woman and chose to live that way that terrified them.

Quelle: http://gallae.com/his2.html

Hier wird deutlich, das eine Göttin vor einem Gott war, und das diese auch in der Sexualität offener waren.

> „Jungfrau“ bedeutet im biblischen Hebräisch eine Frau, die bislang keinen Geschlechtsverkehr gehabt hat. Wenn das anders wäre, dann wäre die Verheißung aus Jesaja 7, 14 sinnlos: „“ (Das wäre ja ein äußerst spektakuläres Zeichen, wenn eine sexuell autonome Frau, die aber Geschlechtsverkehr hat, schwanger werden würde. Nein, das wäre nichts Herausragendes. Dass es ein besonderes Erkennungsmerkmal – etwas Außergewöhnliches – sein sollte [ein Zeichen], beweist, dass der Bibelschreiber wirklich eine Jungfrau – eine Frau ohne geschlechtliche Beziehungen – gemeint hat.)

Und wieder hat du nicht richtig gelesen. ich habe den Ursprung des Wortes JUNGFRAU beschrieben, du nur das, was Juden/Christen darunter verstanden. Denn das Jungfernhäutchen war damals in matriarchalischen Kulturen unbedeutend.
Mädchen und Jungen wuchsen gleich offen auf, und sexualität war auch kein Thema, ebenso Homosexualität. Das Wort bedeutete damals die Ungezwungenheit junger Frauen ohne eine Pflicht für Ehemann oder Kinder.

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