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Verfasser: Hexe
Datum: Sonntag, den 25. April 2004, um 22:08 Uhr
Betrifft: Die Opfer beschuldigen

Hallo Leute,

vor kurzem hatte ich für eine Freundin, die immer noch bei den Mormonen ist, einen verdammt langen Artikel (14 Seiten) vom Englischen ins Deutsche übersetzt. Der Artikel: „Die Opfer beschuldigen: „Das Vertuschen sexuellen Missbrauchs bei Mormonen“, wurde am 10. April von Marion Smith gehalten, und in der Seite von Affirmation veröffentlicht.
Gegen Ende des Artikels fand ich die folgende Beschreibung eines Falles in Bountiful, Utah, der mich auf die ach so beliebte Palme brachte. Überschrieben war dieser Abschnitt mit „Backlash in Bountiful“ (Das Wort Backlash bedeutet Gegenschlag, und meint in diesem Fall die Gegenwehr gegen Werte, die anscheinend bedroht sind):

During the mid-1980’s, information emerged about a child sexual abuse and pornography ring run by two counselors in a Bountiful bishopric and other adults in the ward. Eight children independently told their parents, police investigators and therapists how they were sexually abused by these ward members. Only one of the ward members named by the children, Brett Bullock, was prosecuted and is now in prison. Police records show that other ward members were not prosecuted, largely due to the fact that some parents considered their children too young and vulnerable and refused to let them testify in court.
However, in private, the children independently named the same adults and same events. Later, one child who had been abused pulled every hair out of her head, her eyelashes and eyebrows.
Parents of abused children in the ward were horrified by the abuse and sought response from their ward and stake church leaders but nothing happened. A few parents went further, to LDS general authorities. One father went to two general authorities on two occasions to plead that something be done to protect other children from more abuse by the named perpetrators. But no action was take against the perpetrators who continued to hold church leadership positions.
"Their lack of response has been the most disillusioning and faith destroying experience of my life," this father told me.

Was meint Ihr dazu?
Später heißt es in dem Artikel:

Disbelieving Children
The wife of one man who was a perpetrator of the abuse later told me, "When my children described the horrific sexual abuse by their own father, the bishop counseled me to believe my husband over my children because he holds the priesthood. I have not been active in the church since he told me that."
Another mother said, "We could not afford to move from the ward. I had to sit in church with adults who had sexually molested our children, and who had in no way been disciplined. I could not comprehend such betrayal." Several parents moved from the neighborhood.
The perpetrator in the bishopric, divorced by his wife, moved to another ward and acquired a new wife with new children. Others tried to warn both his new wife and his new bishop about his past abuses of children.
This man abused at least 30 children over many years—from his teenage years into his forties. Nine children and four adult women independently reported to church leaders, their experience of sexual abuse by the man. No church or legal action was ever taken against him; instead, church leaders supported him and even paid his house mortgage.

Soso, der Mann als Priestertumsträger hat nen Freifahrschein für Glaubwürdigkeit, und Kinder lügen! Was für ein Arsch, dieser Bischof (sorry Gunar, aber das musste einmal gesagt werden)!
Da kann ein Mann also jahrelang Kinder missbrauchen, und nichts passiert ihm! Ich schlage vor, bei „Thomas Cook“ für alle Päderastenschweine die Mormonen als „Topurlaubsziel“ anzubieten, da es für Mormonen und alle anderen, die Kinder sexualisierter Gewalt aussetzen ein wahres Paradies ist!
Es ist zu heulen und zum kotzen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Weiter hieß es dort in dem Artikel:

Ruined Lives
Parents of children he abused believe that he was protected because of his close association with the daughter and son-in-law of a church apostle. When his second wife discovered he was abusing their children, she divorced him and threatened to take him to court for abuse. She said, "My children would never have been abused if he had been excommunicated or the bishop had told me of his problems. I would never have married him. Now my children can’t function and it feels like our lives are ruined."
One father in the ward, Mark Burton, approached LDS Church public relations, and then approached the regional representative of the church, pressing for action regarding safety of the children in the ward. He was advised they’d get back to him. They never did. Burton then talked to a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy, who promised to look into the matter. Burton never heard back from any church leader about any of the abuse in the ward. He speculates "This case was red-flagged by someone in the church hierarchy—it was just too hot to handle."

Jaja, das “gute Vitamin B”! Beschützt Schweine und lässt die Opfer schutzlos zurück! Und wagt ein beherzter Vater doch, sich dagegen zu wehren, und ein Menschenrecht auf Schutz der Kinder vor Gewalt einzufordern, erlebt er, das er „ruhig gestellt wird“. Die Folge: Angst und Resignation! „Glaubensstärkend“ war das Verhalten der anderen Beteiligten allerdings bestimmt nicht!
Weiter hieß es in diesem Artikel:

Hope for Change?
Can the LDS Church do better? I believe that it can and should. There are concrete ways of addressing abuse in any community and in the courts.
Gag orders in civil suits should be discontinued. Bishops and stake presidents should be required to report child abuse in compliance with the law. Prevention and education programs could [be] offered in church settings.
Bishops and stake presidents should realize that the needs of victims are equally important and take precedence over the needs of the offender. Victims should not be told to "forgive and forget" until it is in their therapeutic interest and capacity to do so.
The pervasive system of denial that says child abuse does not occur in good Mormon families must be radically changed. Perpetrators cannot be assumed innocent simply because they are "good members" of the church.

Aber will die Mormonenkirche das?
Hier nun eine Antwort eines „offiziellen Kirchenvertreters“ aus diesem Artikel:

The LDS Church Replies
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was asked to comment on the failure of bishops, stake presidents and other church officials to report and take action on egregious cases of child sexual abuse detailed in this story. In addition, "The Event" sought comment or response to the charges against the church in the $750 million lawsuit filed in West Virginia in January.
Don LeFevre of the Public Affairs Department of the church did not respond to either request, but faxed the following statement:
"Children are precious in the sight of the Lord and the Church. For this reason and also because child abuse is increasing in frequency and intensity in today’s permissive society, the Church in recent years has been among those in the forefront of the battle against such vile conduct.
"The Church produces public affairs radio programs on the subject and distributes them widely. Members of the Church are taught to obey the laws of the land wherever they reside. This, of course applies to child abuse reporting laws. If local leaders of the Church have any questions about local reporting requirements, they are encouraged to call the Church’s 800-number "Help Line" for counsel."
© Copyright 1996, The Event [March 20 - April 10, 1996], Salt Lake City, UT

Wie sagte der Kirchenfuzzi doch so schön: „...the Church in recent years has been among those in the forefront of the battle against such vile conduct…. .”
Die Worte hör ich wohl, allein mir fehlt der Glauben, denn ihre Taten sprechen, besonders in den letzten Jahren, eine andere, überdeutliche Sprache!


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