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Seite erstellt am 28.4.24 um 21:45 Uhr
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Verfasser: Gunar
Datum: Dienstag, den 30. März 2004, um 13:49 Uhr
Betrifft: Bergwiesengemetzel kurz gefasst

Entsprechende Leserbriefe auf die Ankündigung konnten nicht ausbleiben. Die Tribune druckt einen ab, der den Ablauf des Massakers sehr kurz zusammen fasst.

Honoring mass murder

    On May 7, a statue of John D. Lee will be placed in front of the Old Rock School in Washington City. Lee was part of a Mormon group that participated in the Mountain Meadows Massacre. They convinced local Indians to attack a wagon train from Arkansas and they failed. Lee and his followers dressed like Indians to help them and the combined attempt was also unsuccessful. John D. Lee then took off the Indian disguise, rode into their camp with a white flag, promised them protection, and convinced them to surrender.
    The small children and the wounded were loaded in a wagon, women and teenagers were ordered to walk behind the wagon. The men were disarmed and ordered to walk single file with an armed Mormon guard beside each one. Some distance down the road, the order was given to attack. A brutal mass murder took place, with Lee being one of the murderers. When it was over, 120 men, women and children were dead. All that survived were 17 children who were no more than 6 years old and considered too young to testify.
    As this may be the first statue in honor of a mass murderer, Washington City may have a real attraction. City officials claim that Lee was just following orders, so they must know whose orders he was following and are keeping it a secret. Great PR!
   William F. McKnight


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