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zum Thema Bakschisch Packer
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Verfasser: James
Datum: Mittwoch, den 20. März 2002, um 20:41 Uhr
Betrifft: Bakschisch Packer

Wenn eine Generaltolität einen Grenzbeamten besticht ... und es anschließend als "inspirierte" Handlung hinstellt. Boyd K. Packer offenbart mal wieder seine völlige Ignoranz und Arroganz. Wir erinnern, selbiger animiert ja junge Mormonen z.B. Homosexuelle niederzuschlagen. Für ihn selbst ziemt es sich ja nicht ...

Am 19.3. 2002 hielt Mr. Packer an der BYU-Idaho (dem alten Ricks College in Rexburg) eine "Fireside" mit der Studentenschaft. U.a. berichtet er von einem Besuch vor "über 30 Jahren" in Deutschland. Hierbei wollte er mit seiner Frau von München nach Berlin fliegen. Der Flug fiel wegen Nebels aus. Zwei Missionare brachten sie zum Bahnhof, von dort fuhren sie per Zug nach Berlin. Einer der Missionare gab ihnen eine "20-Mark Note."

An der Grenze zur ehemaligen DDR steigt dann die "ostdeutsche Besatzung" ein, ein "Schaffner" kontrolliert die Fahrkarten und Pässe. Was zunächst Unsinn ist. Packers Erinnerung leidet ein bißchen ... Die Grenzer (in soldatischer Uniform, grün-grau), kontrollierten stets die Pässe, die Fahrkarten kontrollierten die Jungs und Mädels von der Reichsbahn (in blau). Schon vor 40 Jahren, auch vor 30, und selbst noch vor 15 Jahren.

Laut Packer ist der "Schaffner" ein "bestimmender, kräftiger, häßlicher Mann." Natürlich ... insb. häßlich. Wohl eben der "häßliche Kommunist." Der "Schaffner" verschwindet mit den Pässen, kommt wieder und macht angeblich Probleme. Packer, wie er selbst sagt, versteht kein Deutsch, "weiß" aber, daß es um die Gültigkeitsdauer des Passes seiner Frau geht. Der Grenzer geht und kommt mehrmals ... und nun kommt der Klopfer ...

der unnachahmliche Boyd K. Packer ... und dies vor tausenden junger Mormonen ... weiß sich "in einem Moment der Inspiration veranlaßt, dem Grenzer, die 20 Mark Note zu geben! Dieser nahm sie, gab die Pässe zurück und ging.

Logisch ... für 20 DM West war so mancher "Ossi" bereit "Fünfe gerade sein zu lassen." Unglaublich.

Das Mitglied das ihn in Berlin abholt, der"Kopf des CIA" in Berlin (es handelte sich übrigens um Stanley Mortensen), war erstaunt, wie es Packer nach Berlin geschafft hätte. Ablach. Packer fragt dann seiner Zuhörerschaft, "warum es so war, daß dieser in Art dumme, junge Missionar ... ihm die Geldnote gegeben hatte." Nebenbei bemerkt: Ein denkender Mensch würde meinen: weil er denken kann, weil er die Verhältnisse kennt, weil er nett ist (denn Packers hatten kein Geld dabei, wozu auch?) etc.). Eine Generaltolität konstruiert daraus natürlich eine Ansprache über geistige Führung etc.

Packer war es auch, der während meiner Mission sich bei meinem Missionspräsidenten, in all seiner Arroganz, darüber ausließ, übrigens vor uns Elders des Missionsbüros, nach einer Missionskonferenz, daß es so viele Elders gab, die wie "Kinder" aussehen. Der Missionspräsident müßte davor sorgen, ihnen beibringen, sich wie "richtige Männer" zu kämmen. Natürlich so wie Packer selbst ... Haare nicht hinten ... ein wenig Pomade.

Was für ein Fatzke.


"President Packer teaches about Spirit through ‘20-mark note’

by Melissa Merrill

Religion Editor
Boyd K. Packer, acting president of the Quorum of the Twelve, gave a talk entitled“The 20-mark note,” last Tuesday. It was about the power of the Spirit. He began by recounting a brief speech given by Winston Churchill at a graduation when he said, “Never, never, never, never, never give up.”

President Packer then added his own counsel in Churchill’s form by asking the audience to “never, never, never forget” the Spirit they felt as they sat in reverence prior to the meeting’s beginning. He then introduced the title of his talk and recounted an incident that occurred over 30 years ago in which he was conducting Church business in Germany.

He boarded a plane destined from Munich to Berlin at 10 a.m. one morning. Due to fog, however, he and his wife sat in the grounded plane for 12 hours. At 10 p.m, two elders came and took them to a train station where they would catch a train to Berlin at midnight and arrive at 10 the next morning.

As the train was about to leave, one of the young elders asked “Do you have any German money?” President Packer replied that he did not. The missionary replied, “You’d better have some,” and handed him a 20-mark note.

President and Sister Packer had a relatively uneventful trip until they got to a city on the border of East and West Germany. An East German crew boarded the train, and when President Packer and his wife gave their tickets and passports to the conductor, a “surly, burly, ugly man,” he left the car with them. He returned and although he knew no German, President Packer knew that the man was denying President Packer’s wife’s three-year passport, which they had previously been told was valid.

He left and returned two or three more times, and in a moment of inspiration, President Packer handed him the 20-mark note. He took the note and returned the Packers’ passports. When President Packer recounted the experience to the man who met them when they arrived, the head of the CIA in Berlin, the man was very surprised. “He became sober very suddenly,” President Packer said. The man continued, “‘I don’t know how to explain your getting here.’”

He proceeded to explain that East Germany was one of the only countries in the world that refused to honor the three-year passport that Sister Packer had and that she could have been put off the train. “All this comes to a point here because the elder who handed me the 20-mark note was David Bednar,” President Packer said. “Why was it that this kinda dumb young elder ... handed me the twenty-mark note? “Well, if you understand that, what life is about, then you will understand all you need to know about life. Members of the Church understand that our lives are really not our own, and they’re governed, and if we will and if we live as we should live, then we will be taken care of. ... When you go through life, you will find that these things happen as you are living as you ought to live.”

He taught the doctrine of dual beings. The spirit and body, when eternally combined, are the soul of man, President Packer said. “The day comes ... that the body and spirit are separated,” President Packer said. “When that unwrapping takes place ... what will you look like?

“You will live to learn if you will study and pray and feel that you can have a very beautiful body and a shriveled spirit,” President Packer said. “On the other hand, if you have a body that is limited ... you can train and teach your spirit of its imperishable worth.”

President Packer also admonished the congregation to utilize the gift of the Holy Ghost. “Understand the power you have with receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost,” he said. “You will be guided, and the Lord will be with you.”



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