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Datum: Freitag, den 9. Oktober 2009, um 11:19 Uhr
Betrifft: FAIR: "Gott arbeitet mit den Menschen die gerade Verfügbar sind"

Habe gerade zufällig einen "herrlichen" Artikel zum Thema "Warum machten Mormonenführer früher rassistische Statements?" auf fairlds.org gelesen:


Habe selten so eine schlechte Ausrede gelesen, insbesondere die Warnung an alle, die zu streng urteilen - ist mal wieder typisch LDS!

Kleine Anmerkung: Wenn FAIR sagt, dass sie eine "Non-Profit" Organisation sind, bedeutet das, dass die Mitarbeiter bezahlt werden, jedoch kein Profit erwirtschaftet werden muss. Insofern muss man ja schon sagen, dass die FAIR bisher nicht gerade viel bemerkenswerte Ergebnisse erzielt hat, außer einige Mormonen durch die reine Textmasse zu beruhigen.

This continued into the twentieth century. Some LDS leaders were wary of the civil rights movement that started in the 1950s, and publicly stated their concerns. But there were differences of opinion among the brethren on this. At one end was Elder Ezra Taft Benson, who believed that the American civil rights movement was a front for communism; at the other was President Hugh B. Brown, who felt that the Church should publicly support the civil rights movement.[2]
From our perspective as "enlightened" people of the early twenty-first century, virtually everyone in America up until the last few decades — prophets and other LDS leaders included — held beliefs that we could now consider racist. But that was the culture of the times, and we, like the rest of society, have progressed (line upon line, precept upon precept, see 2 Nephi 28:30) to become better people in this respect, more tolerant, more accepting. Fifty years from now, people will probably look back at our time and say, "How could they have been so bigoted?" Or, "How could they have missed issue X, which seems so clear to us now, in retrospect?"
The key point here is that the Lord works with the people who are available. He does not make them into radicals; he gives them just enough light and understanding to lift the Saints a little and make them more fit for the kingdom. In his mercy, God works with people where they are, and does not wait for them to be perfect before he will deign to speak to them.
Non-LDS Biblical commentators have noted this same tendency is present with Biblical prophets:
Though purified and ennobled by the influence of His Holy Spirit; men each with his own peculiarities of manner and disposition—each with his own education or want of education—each with his own way of looking at things—each influenced differently from another by the different experiences and disciplines of his life. Their inspiration did not involve a suspension of their natural faculties; it did not even make them free from earthly passion; it did not make them into machines—it left them men. Therefore we find their knowledge sometimes no higher than that of their contemporaries.[3]
We should be forgiving of past prophets who we today would perceive as being "racists," or otherwise unsophisticated when compared to the present day. Lest we judge harshly, we ought to consider that even the Savior himself spoke of "outsiders" using language that we today would consider grossly offensive (Matt. 15:26).
We are warned, however, that we will be judged in the same manner in which we judge others (Matt. 7:2, Mark 4:24). If we condemn those of the past for being imperfect or influenced by their culture, what can we expect for ourselves?

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