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Verfasser: Sappho
Datum: Dienstag, den 23. Juni 2009, um 19:42 Uhr
Betrifft: Erlaubnis erteilt

Bevor ich unten den beitrag von ben poste, wofür ich die Erlaubnis habe, möchte ich kurz erklären, warum diese Antwort kam:

Ich bin in einer Internetgruppe homosexueller und transidentischer Mormonen, wo ich wegen Proposition 8 einige Fragen stellte. Ben war einer von dreien, die darauf antworteten:

This is Ben from Los Angeles. I lived through Proposition 8 first hand and Can answer some of your questions.
Proposition 8 was a Mormon proposition that was funded by the LDS church, Via its members. The first call-to-arms came in a letter from Thomas Monson Dated June 29, 2008. What is interesting is that few church members Responded to the letter and for the next several months, the Yes on 8
Campaign was a joke. In late September, under the very real threat of the Proposition losing, the LDS machine kicked into high gear and took over the Reigns of the campaign. A LDS woman took over as head of Protectmarriage.com and Salt Lake started leaning on the members Heavily--and I mean they used very heavy handed tactics and guilt. People Were told that they had no choice but to vote yes on the measure, and thatThey MUST give money "until it hurts." Those were the words spoken locallyIn the Newhall 1st ward. There was a clear nexus drawn between one’s Support of Proposition 8 and one’s worthiness in the church and loyalty to Church leaders.

The church lied to its members and lied to the public. The campaign will be Remembered by future generations as a sad time in Mormon history. The Backlash after the fact was something that church leaders did not see
Coming, though they should have.
As to some of the other things that you wrote, I can dispel them. There was No destruction of church property. The only report that I heard of was that A chapel somewhere had a broken window.Considering all of the chapels that
Are out there, one broken window is hardly a newsworthy item. Two packets Of white powder were sent to the Los Angeles and Salt Lake temples after the Election. I do not condone that sort of thing and yet that does not Surprise me given the ugly nature of the election.
I am unaware of any "violence against missionaries." The only violence that I am aware of was when active Latter-day Saints attacked peaceful Demonstrators who were standing in front of the Los Angeles Temple. Those
Altercations were caught on film.

With Proposition 8, the church leaders stepped in one huge flaming bag of Dog crap. They really should have been smarter than that. The church is Having a rough go of things here in California at the moment and Proposition 8 only made matters worse.
Stay tuned to see what else happens!

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