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Verfasser: Sappho
Datum: Sonntag, den 17. August 2008, um 4:02 Uhr
Betrifft: Depressive Mormoninnen

> >Was die Bemerkung zu den Depressionen angeht, so wundert mich eher, dass offenbar verhältnismäßig wenige Mitglieder der HLT-Kirche unter Depressionen leiden. Entsprechende Untersuchungen stammen meist aus Utah.<
> Ich beziehe mich nicht auf Untersuchungen und Studien, sondern auf Menschen, die ich kenne. Entweder macht die Kirche Menschen depressiv oder sie zieht solche an, die zu Depressionen neigen. Man sollte meinen, dass die einzig wahre Kirche, solche Probleme besser meistern könnte als die Welt, aber so scheint es nicht zu sein. Studien zeigen, dass Utah den höchsten Antidepressiva-Verbrauch pro Kopf in den USA hat. Gut, mit Alkohol können Menschen auch eine Menge verdrängen, aber das ist kein Grund, Antidepressiva als Ersatzdroge zu akzeptieren.

In einem Artikel von Kent Ponder, der viele Mormoninnen behandelte,kam heraus, warum sie Antidepressiva wie Smarties schlucken. Es ist dasselbe, was Betty Friedan in ihrem in den 60er Jahren erschienenen Buch "Der weiblichkeitswahn" so treffend beschrieb, als die "Krankheit, die keinen Namen hattte".
Aber lassen wir doch kent Ponder zu Wort kommen:

Utah Leads In Antidepressant Drug Use.

Utah residents currently use more antidepressant drugs, notably Prozac® (fluoxetine hydrochloride, introduced in 1987), than the residents of any other US state. This problem is clearly, closely and definitely linked to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Approximately 70% of Utahns are Mormons. Jim Jorgenson, director of pharmacy services for the University of Utah, confirmed that Utah has the highest percentage of anti-depressant use, hypothesizing that large families, larger in Utah than in other states, produce greater stress. (Large Utah families are primarily Mormon families).
The same LDS Church that works so well for many works very badly for many others, who become chronically depressed, especially women. Studies indicate that women suffer twice as much depression as men. These individuals then cope with their chronic mental pain and depression by using anti-depressant drugs and/or treatment by LDS therapists, who too often treat them ignorantly and counterproductively -- though typically with such smug assurance that it borders on unintended arrogance. (...)

Why Are So Many Mormon Women Severely Depressed?

As noted above, Utah is about 70% LDS, and women lead men in depression (by about double). Why is Utah #1 in the US in antidepressant-drug use, notably Prozac®?   Why are twice as many women affected? A standard answer is that LDS women are overworked, heading large families, struggling to meet too-high expectations of perfection. There’s some truth in that, but there are other, more fundamental, reasons.

Three realities are much more basic. In the Mormon Church:

1. For females, "One size fits all,"

2. Females obey males from birth to death.

3. Females lack control of their own life choices,

Any Mormon reading this report will recognize that virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to do all 24 of the following:

• be respectfully, politely, humbly and gratefully subservient to Mormon males in personal demeanor, activities, beliefs, plans and thought.

• not be, nor aspire to be, nor hope to be, independent from authoritarian males, nor independent in thought.

• attend male-directed religious services.
• participate in male-directed activities. (Even female-led projects are organized under male authorities.)

• attend male-directed weekday seminary classes in addition to academic school.

• obey all male-hierarchy-generated directives.

• submit to male-originated personal-matter (including sexual) private interviews.

• obtain a Patriarchal Blessing which usually promises becoming a mother in Zion if faithful and obedient.

• do genealogy research on male-headed (patriarchal) family lineages.

• marry an LDS man in an LDS temple.

• accept counsel from her husband, and not as just his opinion, but as God-inspired revelation.

• look to her husband as essential to her entry into the best category of Heaven.

• have children, more being far better than few.

• raise all of her children in this exact-same system.

• attend only the chapel assigned to her residence address, regardless of preference.

• accept that if she and family attend any other than this chapel, she and they cannot enter Mormon temples.

• know that her husband may, in the next life, marry numerous additional wives.

• know that she may not marry any additional husband, here (if still married to the first one) or hereafter.

• accept callings to work in church, auxiliary and welfare-project organizations.

• make several forms of financial contributions, ten percent tithing being only one.

• teach her children to become missionaries to convert other individuals into this same system.

• teach this same system to her grandchildren.

• teach her daughters and granddaughters to obey males at home and at church.

• never openly criticize any doctrine, practice, directive or male authority related to any of the above.

That’s the "One Size Fits All Females" list of 24 items. Each LDS female gains and retains respect, and even acceptance, only by adhering to the behaviors and attitudes above, assigned to her by others, most often males, rather than freely chosen by herself.

Are The Above-Listed Items Beneficial? --  or Harmful?

Ironically, they’re both -- just not to the same women. Different women are impacted very differently.
Many LDS women do benefit, managing to more or less cope with that list. As the recent book, Mormon America, by Richard and Joan Ostling, validly reports about Mormonism, "For the most part, it works."
But this report is written to and about equally good women for whom it doesn’t work. Many of these women discover that, too often, what they pray for is what keeps them in depression. For these women, ironically and tragically, the more prayer, the more depression!
Some women wonder how this can happen. It can happen because in reality and truth one size doesn’t fit all. People are genetically different in abilities and interests in ways that the "One Size Fits All" list ignores. As proven by respected studies, identical twins separated at birth usually have, as adults, remarkably similar interests, abilities and personalities despite having always lived in totally different environments -- demonstrating that their genetics played a larger role than environment. The LDS Church is an environment,
My point is that the LDS Church’s "One Size Fits All Women" is an environment that ignores these powerful, genetically based, individual differences. The Church is not a genetic-alteration device. For many people, genetic differences cannot be crammed into One Size Fits All without great, chronic mental stresses.
Or, stated another way, for some LDS women to strive to be an excellent Relief-Society-oriented homemaker, mother of six and church worker is like Oprah Winfrey striving to be a basketball player, or Katie Couric trying to be happy as a seamstress.
During my focused-zeal years, I would have mistakenly attacked the underscored sentences above as being theologically impossible.
For whom doesn’t the LDS gospel work? -- Whom doesn’t it fit?
One Outstanding, Righteous Woman Whom It Didn’t and Doesn’t Fit
One of my temple-married daughters describes Mormonism in these exact words:

"It’s so counter-intuitive for women, so full of gender unfairness and contradictions. The Church’s attitude, ’we’ll tell you what you’re worth’ isn’t self-worth. If a woman has any sense of self-worth, it attacks her on all fronts. And to have any real difference of opinion means having to go against every person in your [church] community."

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