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Verfasser: Martin007
Datum: Montag, den 11. Juni 2007, um 16:35 Uhr
Betrifft: Hierzu hätte ich ...

... aus Interesse gerne eine Quellenangabe:

>Erst als die Kirche in finanzielle Not geriet, wurde dieses in LuB festgeschriebene Gesetz unter Lorenzo Snow geändert, so dass von da an, der Zehnte vom Einkommen und nicht vom Überschuss gezahlt werden sollte.

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Tithing is the custom by which members give one-tenth of their annual income to the Church. It provides the main source of Church income.



In the pioneer days, tithes were often paid in kind - by giving 10% of the goods that a person had produced. A farmer might give an egg for every ten eggs his hens laid. Pioneer settlements often built Tithing Houses to store the produce. Some people worked on church projects for one day out of ten because they didn’t produce anything suitable for a tithe.

Tithing was introduced very early in the life of the Church (1838) but by the end of the 19th century it was much neglected and the Church was in serious money trouble.

In 1899 President Lorenzo Snow was inspired by God to proclaim that Church members should pay their tithes in full.


it was revealed to him that the solution to both problems lay in the Saints paying an honest tithing on their income,

Hiernach ist kein Wechsel von Gewinn- zur Umsatzsteuer sondern nur ein Eintreiben von Kirchensteuern nachzuvollziehen

A 1970 letter from the First Presidency stated that notwithstanding the fact that members should pay one-tenth of their income, "every member of the Church is entitled to make his own decision as to what he thinks he owes the Lord and to make payment accordingly" (Mar. 19, 1970; cf. Doxey, pp. 16, 18). Hence, the exact amount paid is not as important as that each member feels that he or she has paid an honest tenth.

Also ich sehe keine offizielle Umsatzsteuer, aber ich lasse mich gerne davon überzeugen, daß Lorenzo Snow eine Umsatzsteuer einführen wollte.

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