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Verfasser: Martin007
Datum: Donnerstag, den 22. Februar 2007, um 12:39 Uhr
Betrifft: Genau

>Willst du damit sagen, daß es vorher nicht üblich war, im Tempel an seine Eltern bzw. Vorfahren gesiegelt zu werden? Ich dachte, daß würde schon von Anfang an im Tempel so gemacht.

Hier noch einige Auszüge aus den o.a. Artikel:

"Difficulties began when it became apparent that adoption gave one a special status and that not all the adopted enjoyed the same status....
"Adoption as a system of social organization was troubled not only by fathers who demanded too much of their sons, but also by some of the children who in turn expected too much from their fathers.... In theory the importance of adoption lay in the validation of one’s sonship in the family of God. But some were more interested in being fathers and exercising authority over others than they were in being sons of God. Kingdom-building, or the gathering together of a large number of people over whom one could rule in eternity, enjoyed a good deal of popularity. Brigham Young complained: were I to say to the elders you now have the liberty to build up your kingdoms, one half of them would lie, swear, steal and fight like the devil to get men and women sealed to them. They would even try to pass right by me and go to Jos[eph]....

Hier beschwert sich B.Y. daß er übergangen wurde, und der tote Joseph mehr zog als der lebende Brigham!

"By this power men will be sealed to men back to Adam, completing and making perfect the chain of the Priesthood from this day to the winding up scene. I have known men that I positively think would fellowship the Devil, if he would agree to be sealed to them. ’Oh, be sealed to me, brother; I care not what you do. You may lie and steal, or anything else, I can put up with all your meanness, if you will only be sealed to me.’ Now this is not so much weakness as it is selfishness. It is a great and glorious doctrine, but the reason I have not preached it in the midst of this people, is, I could not do it without turning so many of them to the Devil. Some would go to hell for the sake of getting the Devil sealed to them." (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 9, page 269)

Es ging zu wie im wilde Westen. Jeder wollte im null komma nix ein Königreich aufbauen.

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