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Verfasser: shana
Datum: Sonntag, den 5. November 2006, um 16:02 Uhr
Betrifft: Für Desi

> Ich feiere Samhain, Beltane pp. grundsätzlich nach dem Mond und nicht nach dem Kalender.

Anlässlich des heutigen Vollmonds ein kleines Gedicht für Dich:-)


Hello little one
feel my light transform and fill
my gift
my promise
lean over the sill, breathe me into you

Come away from the window my darling

But Mama, look
the moon is a pancake

Shut it up tight now
keep out the night

and mama tucked her in
brushed a kiss through her hair

she grew

afraid of the night

would not look full face
into the moon
the light
the bright of darkness

heard the moon could snake a silver tongue round unsuspecting
necks, choke the goodness out

heard the moon sucked prayers out of the top of your head
filled your secret, turned you mad

now she shuts the night
from her daughters’s hair
warns away the moon
with fervent prayers

the moon sighs
and waits  :-)


dazu passt ganz nett (finde ich) das Hariet Hunter Gemälde The Moon

ja den ’sachlichen’ wikipedia-Artikel zum Mond kenne ich auch ;-)

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