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zum Thema Polygamie
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Verfasser: James
Datum: Montag, den 9. April 2001, um 17:12 Uhr
Betrifft: Die private Meinung

Stella schrieb und zitierte u.a.:

>"An Unpublished Discourse by Brigham Young--October 8, 1854 ... The authoritarian abuse associated with polygamy is increased with statements such as those made by Brigham Young in a conference talk delivered on October 8, 1854, in which Young states: "I believe in sisters marrying brothers, and brothers having their sisters for wives. . . ." "In our marriage relations here we are marrying our brothers, and our sisters." "The whole world will think what an awful thing it is. What an awful thing it would be if the Mormons should just say we believe in marrying brothers and sisters. Well, we shall be under the necessity of doing it, because we cannot find anybody else to marry."

>Wenn das stimmt, dann ist das ein noch größeres Unding, als die "simple" Polygamie. Oder sind hier nur "Brüder und Schwestern im Herrn" gemeint? Was haltet Ihr davon? Stella

Liest man die vollständige Ansprache von Young, so z.B. unter:


dann ist es nicht ganz eindeutig, daß Young nicht (!) "Brüder und Schwestern im Herrn" meinte, denn  sonst würden seine ganzen Ausführungen keinen Sinn ergeben. Man muß die gesamte Ansprache in ihrem Gesamtkontext sehen.  Wenn lediglich die "Brüder und Schwestern im Herrn" gemeint wären, dann hätte er nicht lang und breit darüber reden müssen und sich einen, außer seiner Sicht, logischen Gesamtzusammenhang konstruieren und lang und breit lehren müssen. Soll jedoch nicht heißen, daß das was Young hier von sich gibt logisch ist oder Sinn macht. So manches ist schlichtweg wirres Zeug, Young pur. Manches jedoch gefährlich und anmaßend, dazu unten mehr. Propaganda und Hetze pur. So findet sich in dieser Ansprache u.a.:

>"The whole world will think what an awful thing it is. What an awful thing it would be if the Mormons should just say we believe in marrying brothers and sisters. Well, we shall be under the necessity of doing it, because we cannot find anybody else to marry."

Die "Welt" würde ja nicht denken, daß es eine "schreckliche Sache" wäre, seine z.B. "geistige Schwester" zu heiraten. Dies wird auch aus Youngs Erklärung deutlich, daß die Heiligen ja regelrecht gezwungen sind ihre leiblichen Brüder und Schwestern zu heiraten, in Ermangelung von wenigen potentiellen Heiratskandidaten, sagt er doch: "Well, we shall be under the necessity of doing it, because we cannot find anybody else to marry."

In diesem Punkt sind jedoch die Heiligen ihm wohl nicht voller Begeisterung gefolgt. Man muß die obige Stelle im Gesamtkontext sehen, diese Ansprache ist wohl die bizarrste die sich Young je geleistet hat. Die heutigen Mormonen werden schon wissen, warum sie sie nicht in ihrer Gänze publizieren.

Ãœbrigens: Wenn Tanners oben titulieren "An Unpublished Discourse by Brigham Young" (ein unveröffentlichter Diskurs), dann ist es nur insofern richtig, wenn gemeint ist, daß die Kirche es nicht "veröffentlicht" hat. Veröffentlicht worden ist diese Ansprache schon (vom Internet mal abgesehen). Sie erschien in "The Teachings of President Brigham Young, Bd. 3, 1852-1854, SLC, 1987. Interessanterweise veröffentlicht von "Collier’s Publishing Co.",  eine polygamistisch, fundamentalistische Gruppe, die ihr ureignes Interessa daran hatte, alle (!) Ansprachen von Young an die Öffentlichkeit zu bringen, insbesondere auch die, die (wie auch bei dieser Ansprache) den Punkt der sog. "Adam-Gott-Lehre" berühren.

Später hat Signature Books die Ansprache ebenfalls in "The Essential Brigham Young, Classics in Mormon Thought Series,  Series," No.3, SLC, 1992 veröffentlicht.

Weiter: Die Schwester-Brüder Heiratsthematik ist in obiger Ansprache eingebettet in Youngs Theologie, daß

- Gott (Adam!) der Vater von Christus ist und der Vater unserer Geister
- Alle Menschen daher Brüder und Schwestern daher "im Fleische" die gleichen Eltern haben
- Alle Menschen eines Blutes sind

An anderer Stelle sagt Young auch hierzu:

>" Then I reckon that the children of Adam and Eve married each other; this is speaking to the point. I believe in sisters marrying brothers, and brothers having their sisters for wives. Why? because we cannot do otherwise. There are none others for me to marry but my sisters.  "But you [do] not pretend to say you would marry your father, and mother’s daughter If I did not, I would marry another of my sisters that lives over in another Garden; the material of which they are organized is just the same; there is no difference between them, and those who live in this garden. Our spirits are all brothers and sisters, and so are our bodies; and the opposite idea to this has resulted from the ignorant, and foolish traditions of the nations of the earth. They have corrupted themselves with each other, and I want them to understand that they have corrupted their own flesh, blood, and bones; for they are of the same flesh, blood, and bones, us all the family of the earth."

Wieder die gleiche "Entschuldingung dafür, daß Brüder und Schwesterb heiraten: Es geht nicht anders, begründet zusaätzlich damit, daß es den Kindern von Adam und Eva ja nicht anders ging. So einfach ist das für Brigham. Interessant natürlich auch Youngs Begründung und Logik, die Rechtfertigung dadurch, daß die "ignoranten und törichten Traditionen der Nationen dieser Erde, dazu im Gegensatz stehen und diese sich selbst korrumpiert haben.

Weiter noch:

>"I want to say a little more about marriage relations, so you may understand what my views are ... I want to tell you a thing with regard to parents, wives, brothers and sisters, etc. The time will come when it will be told where this man, and that woman shall be placed; the real blood of Joseph will be selected out from among the tribes of Israel, and every man, and woman will be put in their place, and stand in their order where the Lord designs them to be. When you get back into the presence of God, and the Lord should say, "Who have you brought with you?" Your reply would be, "My wife and children;" but in reality you have only with you your brothers and sisters. The Father would say, "These are my children."

Genug dazu.

Denke diese Ansprache ist eine der wildesten und gefährlichsten die Young je gehalten hat. Sie strotzt vor Wiederholungen, Drohungen und Arroganz. Wenn ein mormonischer Apologet darauf antwortet, dann gibt es die HLT-Standardantwort: Rein private Meinung von Brigham Young, keine "Kirchenlehre." Pure Heuchelei, mehr dazu am Schluß. Einige Auszüge daraus:


Young betont am Ende seiner Ansprache in voller Arroganz:

>"You have had things laid before you that do not belong to the world, not to men and women, who calculate to apostatize. They belong to the wise; to those who are serving God with all their hearts. Now let me say to the wicked in heart, you cannot remember a word of this discourse unless you remember it in the Lord. I might reveal all there is in eternity, and those who have not their hearts on righteousness would know nothing about it, nor be in the least instructed."

Und zu Beginn seines Diskurses:

>"I may say things this afternoon that do not belong to the world. What if I do? I know the Lord is able to close up every person’s mind who have eyes but see not, hearts but do not understand; so I may say what I please with regard to the kingdom of God on the earth, for there is a veil over the wicked that they cannot understand the things which are for their peace."

Die "bösen ("wicked", auch gottlosen, schlechten, sündhaften, verruchten ... choose for yourself) im Herzen können sich nicht an ein Wort dieses Diskurses erinnern. ..." Hmmmmmmm ... kann mich seit Jahren an recht viele Worte daraus erinnern, ich bin also doch nicht "böse?" Der Herr hat den "Schleier" von meinen Augen genommen. Yippppppppppie! Wobei, ob ein Mormone mir sagt ich wäre "böse" oder Peng!

Das alles würde man "verstehen", wenn man voller Glauben und eifrig ist ... zur rechten Zeit, trotzdem beträfe es nicht das unmittelbare Wohlergehen von uns oder Brigham.

>"I propose to speak upon a subject that does not immediately concern your or my welfare. I expect in my remarks I shall allude to things that you search after as being absolutely necessary for salvation in the kingdom of God. It is true if you are faithful, and diligent there are things that will be fully made known to you in due time--at the proper time, according to the will of the Lord."


>"I will tell you what I believe still further than this, though I do not pretend to say that the items of doctrine, and ideas I shall advance are necessary for the people to know, or that they should give themselves any trouble about them whatever."

Was will er nur? Nur macht er immer wieder nicht deutlich, wann er "Lehre" lehrt, und wann lediglich Ideen.

Die "Philosophen" kriegen ihre traditionelle Breitseite, bei Joseph Smith und Hugh Nibley sind es immer die "Doktoren."

>"Consequently, when you hear philosophers argue ... It shows they know nothing of such matters; and if they do know some things they have a right to know, there are things they have no right to know. This applies to all classes of mankind."

Dann folgt, wie häufiger bei mormonischen Propheten, eine falsche Prophezeiung:

>"But I wish you to understand, with regard to the ordinances of God’s house to save the people in the Celestial kingdom of our God, there is no change from the days of Adam to the present time, neither will there be until the last of his posterity is gathered into the Kingdom of God."

Die "Verordnungen des Hauses Gottes", um die Menschen in celestiale Reich Gottes zu erretten (sprich die Tempelrituale), haben seit "den Tagen Adams bis zum heutigem Zeitpunkt, keine Änderung erfahren , noch wird es so sein ...". Es gab keine Änderungen bis zum heutigen (!) Tage? Der Kandidat hat null Punkte!

Adam-Gott-Lehre dann pur, die z.B. Chefapologet uns späterer Präsident der Kirche, Joseph Fielding Smith noch in seinem "Doctrines of Salvation" (Lehren der Erlösung), Bd.1, SLC 1954, S. 96, versucht das gesamte Thema irreführend unter den Teppich zu kehren (besser zu lügen):

>"President Brigham Young is quoted - in all probability the sermon was erroneously transcribed! - as having said ... If the enemies of the Church who quote this wished to be honest ..."

Aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach wurde die Predigt "falsch transkribiert." Ãœbrigens, Smith hat hier eine andere "Predigt" im Sinn. Noch eine "falsch transkribierte!" Ja Joseph Fielding, be surprised, flip-flop in your grave, "the enemies of the church ... wish(ed) to be honest" ... im Gegensatz zu Dir.

Hier einige weitere, "fälschlich transkribierte" Adam-Gott-Lehren von Young aus obiger Ansprache:

>"This God is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and the father of our spirits.

>This God is the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ precisely as he is our Father varying from mortality to immortality, from corruptible to incorruptible, and that is all the difference. He is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, both body and spirit; and he is the Father of our spirits, and the Father of our flesh in the beginning. You will not dispute the words of the Apostle, that he is actually the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Father of our spirits. You may add these words to it, or let it alone, it is all the same to me, that he is not only the Father of our spirits, but also of our flesh, he being the founder of that natural machinery though which we have all obtained our bodies.

>You and I have only one God to whom we are accountable, so we (p. 11) will let he rest alone, and search after the one we have to do with; let us seek diligently after him, the very being who commenced this creation.

>But let us turn our attention to the God with which we have to do. I tell you simply, he is our Father; the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Father of our spirits. Can that be possible? Yes, it is possible, he is the Father of all the spirits of the human family. ... The God and Father [of] our Lord Jesus Christ is the Father of our spirits.

>I tell you more, Adam is the Father of our spirits. He lived upon an earth; he did abide his creation, and did honor his calling and priesthood, and obeyed his master or Lord, and probably many of his wives did the same, and they lived, and died upon an earth, and then were resurrected again to immortality and eternal life.

>Now, many inquiries will be made about the Savior such as, "Who is he?" "Is he the Father of Adam?" "Is he the God of Adam?" When Christ has finished his labor and presented it to his father, then he, Adam will receive a fullness. That is all easily understood by me. He cannot receive a fullness of the kingdoms he has organized until they are completed. If he sends his servants off to the right and to the left to perform a certain labor, his kingdom is not complete, until his ministers have accomplished everything to make his kingdom complete and returned home again. Many inquire who is this Savior? I will tell you what I think about it, and as the _______ (unleserlich im Originalmanuskript) say I reckon, and as the Yankees say I guess; but I will tell you what I reckon. I reckon that Father Adam was a resurrected being, with his wives and posterity, and in the Celestial kingdom they were crowed with glory, immortality, and eternal lives, with thrones, principalities, and powers: and it was said to him it is your right to organize the elements; and to your creations and posterity there shall be no end, but you shall add kingdom to kingdom, and throne to throne; and still behold that vast eternity of unorganized matter. Adam then, was a resurrected being; and I reckon, our spirits and the spirits of all the human family were begotten by Adam, and born of Eve. "How are we going to know this?" I reckon it."

Folgt man der Logik von Young, so ist (siehe obigen Absatz) selbst unser "Erretter" mit Adam gleichzusetzen, denn "Christus" muß "seine Arbeit" beschließen und "seinem Vater präsentieren, dann erhält Adam "seine Fülle." Christus ist offensichtlich einer der "Diener" Adams, die dieser "rechts und links schickt um eine bestimmte Arbeit zu verrichten."

Dem Faß den Boden ausschlagend ist die folgende Aussage. Sie belegt wie Young und sein Sprachrohr, Heber C. Kimball keine Probleme damit hatten Lügen und Irreführungen zu rechtfertigen. Sie belegt wie beide "Schrift" erfinden umzu täuschen. Schier unglaublich.

>"I feel inclined here to make a little scripture. (Were I under necessity of making scripture extensively I should get Brother Heber C. Kimball to make it, and then I would quote it. I have seen him do this when any of the Elders have been pressed by their opponents, and were a little at a loss; he would make a scripture for them to suit the case, that never was in the Bible, though none the less true, and make their opponents swallow it as the words of an Apostle or one of the Prophets. The Elder would then say, "Please turn to that scripture gentlemen, and read it for yourselves." No they could not turn to it but they recollected it like the devil for fear of being caught."

Diese Methodik hat sich bis zum heutigen Tage bei Apologeten bewährt. Sie zieht fast immer. Fast ... Denn nicht jeder "Gegner schluckt es" und hat auch keine "Angst erwischt zu werden.";-)

Interessant auch die Stellen, wo Young anfängt das Endowment zu zitieren, in seiner Version (seiner "unveränderlichen"):

>"Elohim looked around upon the eternity of matter, and said to his associates, and those that he was pleased to call upon at that time for his counselors, with regard to the elements, worlds, planets, kingdoms and thrones; said he, "Yahovah Michael, see that eternal matter on all sides, this way and that way; we have already created worlds upon worlds, shall we create another world? Yes, go and organize the elements yonder in space;" not empty space, for there is no such thing, once in a while, [the] earth quakes, and the extensive destruction of combustible matter by fire will come nigh, making empty space for perhaps the millionth part of a second. "Yahovah Michael, go and create a world, make it, organize it, form it; and then put upon it every thing in all the variety that you have seen, that you have been in the habit of being associated with in other worlds, of beasts, birds, fowl, fish, and every insect, and creeping thing," -- and finally, the whole eternity of element is full of life, bring it together and make of it living creatures."

Es folgt dann eine Kostprobe Youngschen Humors und Arroganz:

>"What I am now going to tell you, will no doubt astonish the whole of you. When Yahovah Michael had organized the world, and brought from another kingdom the beasts, fish, fowl, and insects, and every tree, and plant with which we are acquainted, and thousands that we never saw, when he had filled the earth with animal and vegetable life, Michael, or Adam, goes down to the new made world, and there he stays. Do you suppose he went there alone? Moses made the Bible to say his wife was taken out of his side,--was made from one of his ribs. I do not know anything to the contrary of my ribs being equal on both sides. The Lord knows if I had lost a rib for each wife I have, I should have had none left long ago. Some try to say how many wives the Governor of Utah has, but if they can tell, they can tell more than I can, for I do not know how many I have; I have not counted them up for many years. I did not know how many I had before I left the United States I had so many. I heard that I had ninety. Why bless your souls, ninety is not a beginning. You might ask me if I have ever seen them all; I answer no; I see a few of them I pick up myself here. I have lots, and scores I [have] never seen, nor shall not, until the morning of the resurrection.

Brigham verliert die Ãœbersicht. Grotesk!

Es war obiger Joseph Fielding Smith, der an gleicher Stelle die Adam-Gott-Lehre auch damit abzutun versuchte, indem er schlicht schreibt:

>"Surely we must give President Brigham Young credit for at least ordinary intelligence, and in stating this I place it mildly." (S.103)

Sind wir mal so frei und  gestehen Young lt. Smith wenigstens eine "gewöhnliche Intelligenz" zu, auch "um es Milde" zu sagen. Ein Beispiel dieser Intelligenz zeigt sich in seiner Ansprache.  Young geht zuerst davon aus, daß:

>"that Father Adam was a resurrected being, with his wives and posterity, and in the Celestial kingdom they were crowed with glory, immortality, and eternal lives, with thrones, principalities, and powers: and it was said to him it is your right to organize the elements; and to your creations and posterity there shall be no end, but you shall add kingdom to kingdom, and throne to throne; and still behold that vast eternity of unorganized matter. Adam then, was a resurrected being; and I reckon, our spirits and the spirits of all the human family were begotten by Adam, and born of Eve."

Adam war (!) also vor der Erschaffung dieser Erde bereits ein auferstandenes Wesen, mit seinen Frauen (!) und seiner Nachkommenschaft in einem "celestialen  Königreich", gekrönt mit Herrlickeit und Unsterblichkeit etc. Auf die berechtigte Frage (solche Fragen stellen natürlich nur "hartnäckige" (strenuous) und zähe" (tenacious) Leute), wie es dann zu erklären sei, daß Adam gestorben sei, folgt Youngs Antwort:

>"The inquiry will arise, among those who are strenuous, and tenacious for the account given by Mosses, as to Adam. "Did not Adam die?" Yes, he died. "Does not the Bible say he died?" I do not know nor care, but I think it would be hard, I think, to find where he died; or where Moses died, though I have no doubt Moses died, and Adam also ..."

Weiß es nicht und es kümmert ihn nicht. Sehr "gewöhnliche Intelligenz." Doch, zutiefst beeindruckend. So kann man auch mit Widersprüchen umgehen.

Zum Schluß seiner Rede legt Young noch eine Schippe Kohlen drauf und wird richtig aggressiv. Zuerst ist Young bereit "alle Sünde" auf seine Schultern zu nehmen, rechnet die "Sünden" der HLT-Polygamie auf mit z.B. der "einzelnen Sünde der armen Teufel" die eine Frau sitzen lassen:

>"If there are any of my friends who do not belong to the church here, I want to tell you one thing. I will take all the sin there is before God and angels in men having one wife, two wives, ten, or fifty wives, that will use them well, upon my shoulders, if they will acknowledge them, support them, raise children by them, and bring them up as well as they know how; I say I will take all the sins there is in this, of the whole of the Latter Day Saints, and place them with one sin of your poor devils, who when you were young men courted that poor innocent girl, and made her believe you would marry her, then got her in the family way and left her to the wide world, you poor curses. This one sin of yours will weigh down all the sins of the Latter Day Saints together, and go down about enough for you to be damned in the bottomless pit; while the elders of Israel will be exalted among the Gods. There are scores and hundreds, and thousands of these poor girls upon the streets of the cities of the United States."

Logischerweise werden alle "armen Teufel" in die "bodenlose Grube" (bottomless pit, Hölle) verdammt, die Heiligen hingegen werden mang den Göttern erhoben. Klar.

Es folgt eine für ihn sinnige Begründung der Polygamie, sie wäre zwangsläufig, denn im Gegensatz dazu gäbe es in der Welt die "Prostitution" (nicht das es sie in SLC nicht gegeben hätte).  Man beachte auch Youngs Drohungen des "Aufschlitzens der verdammten Hälse" und den Aufruf die "armen dreckigen Ausschweifer zu verbrennen!" O-Ton Brigham Young, die "Frohe Botschaft" pur:

>"... I have found respectable families, where a young mechanic, a merchant, a lawyer, or a farmer, or some other poor miserable wretch fit for nothing but the fire of hell, would insinuate themselves into the family, court the daughter, win her affections, desire her, and then forsake her, and then boast of your achievements and rejoice over your success; but weep and howl for the miseries that shall come upon you, you poor damned wretches. I want to cut their damned throats, and I will if I catch any of them doing it here. I should hold myself guilty before God and angels if I did not sweep the earth of such lo wretch. I will not ask the Lord to do a dirty trick I would not do myself. Let them prowl around my daughter, and I will slay them, yes, as fast as I can come to them. What more will I do? When I find a young woman caught in this snare, I will take her to my house, and say, "You have a home with me and my family." I only know these iniquities by observation, I was never of such sins; the wickedest day I ever saw I would not betray an innocent female, but instead of prostituting them, I would tell them how to do right, and teach them the way of life and salvation, and see them safe in the kingdom of God if they would obey my counsel. But you will take a poor helpless, innocent creature, and lead the unsuspecting victim nigh to the alter of marriage, and then ruin the innocent lamb, you poor cursed Gentiles, go and weep, and howl. In New York alone there are over eighteen hundred prostitutes licensed in that city to corrupt themselves for hell; and I want to tell every man that is going to hell, that it is full of such creatures, so full that their elbows stick out of the windows.
Instead of creating such an awful state of society as this presents, we take to ourselves wives, acknowledge them, raise their children, school them, and try to teach them the way of salvation. Let me tell you what they should [do] in the City of New York, that holy, that righteous city, and to other cities, where there are thousands of licensed houses of ill-fame, besides thousands of private ones that are not licensed but go under different appellations. They should set fire to every poor filthy debaucher, and collect the illegitimate children, as they are called, that are running in the streets, and wash them, and school them, and teach them righteousness, and not suffer them to mingle with those that mingle unlawfully together. Also, take the women, and wash them clean, and put them to work, at spinning, weaving, and at other useful employment in the country."

Young die Lösung und der Retter der Prostituierten. Die (!) Rechtfertigung der Polygamie.

Wenn man das obige liest, sollte man in Erinnerung behalten, daß just zwei Tage vorher, Orson Hyde ja im Auftrage von Brigham die "breaking the news" gespielt hatte: Der "Welt" offiziell die Lehre der Polygamie verkündet hat (siehe z.B. Journal of Discourses 2:75ff.).  Ein Gag in dieser Ansprache ist die Tatsache, daß Hyde dabei so ganz nebenbei verkündet (rein private Meinung ... sure ...), daß es eine weitere wunderbare Begründung dafür gibt, daß die Mormonen die Polygamie lehren und leben:

Christus war auch Polygamist. Auch um alle Dinge zu erfüllen. Logisch. Christus erfüllte dabei lediglich seine "Pflicht" (duty, S. 79).

Auch in Erinnerung behalten, daß die sog. "Adam-Gott-Lehre", apologetische Mormonen bevorzugen "Theorie", fester Bestandteil des Endowmwents z.Zt. von Brigham Young war. Soviel zum Thema "rein private Meinung." Publiziert, natürlich wieder nicht von der Kirche, wo kommen wir denn da hin? Näher zur Wahrheit? Nein, veröffentlicht vom fundamentalistischen Mormonen und Polygamisten (man kann grob sagen, Adam-Gott-Lehre undf Polygamie sind immer Bettgenossen, nicht nur die), Fred C. Collier, "Unpublished Revelations of the Prophets and Presidents of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" (sic!),  Bd.1, 2. Auflage, 1981, SLC, ab S. 113 (Part 75).

Auch in Erinnerung behalten, daß nur drei Jahre später der Massenmord bei Mountain Meadows stattfinden würde. man erinnere sich an Youngs "Feuer und Blut" Worte oben, in den folgenden drei Jahren hetzte Young sein treues und gehorsames Volk noch so weit auf, daß sie guten Gewissens (?) zu diesem Terrorakt fähig waren.

Egal kann man sagen, alles nur rein private Meinung von einigen Kirchenführern. Eine solche Aussage zu tätigen ist pervers und heuchlerisch. Es sei in diesem Zusammenhang nur abschließend daran erinnert, wie heutige (!) Mormonen indoktriniert werden, den Worten ihrer Führer zu folgen, dabei wird auf kein Unterschied hingewiesen, zwischen offizieller Kirchenlehre und den "Lehren" des z.B. Propheten (Gordon Hinckley). So frisch von der Druckerpresse, Generalkonferenent vom letzten (!) Wochenende:

>"Apostel M. Russell Ballard

>Sunday, April 1, 2001, Vormittags-Session

>"Are we listening, brothers and sisters? Are we hearing the words of the prophet to us as parents, as youth leaders, and as youth? Or are we allowing ourselves, as Naaman did at first, to be blinded by pride and stubbornness, which could prevent us from receiving the blessings that come from following the teachings of God’s prophet? Today I make you a promise. It’s a simple one, but it is true. If you will listen to the living prophet and the apostles and heed our counsel, you will not go astray.

>To those of you who have not listened yet, I caution you to not disregard the counsel of the President of the Church. He has spoken to you plainly. Study his words and strive to obey them. They are true and come from God.

>Now, my dear brothers and sisters, please pay attention to those things that the leaders of the Church have taught during this general conference. Apply the teachings that will help you and your family. ... I promise you in the name of the Lord that if you will listen not just with your ears but also with your heart, the Holy Ghost will manifest the truth unto you of the messages delivered by President Hinckley, his counselors, the Apostles, and other leaders of the Church. ... Today we are blessed to be led by God’s prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley. May we listen and then do those things that he teaches us is my humble prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

So isses ... und nicht anders ... sofern der Heilige Geist das alles bestätigt ... oder auch nicht.

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