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Verfasser: Hexe
Datum: Mittwoch, den 17. August 2005, um 8:45 Uhr
Betrifft: Eine der Gründe, warum Mormoninnen Tabletten schlucken könnten

> >Die Wirklichkeit sieht aber anders aus, und geschieht zumeist im Verborgenen, da die Mitglieder Angst vor Ausschluss aus der Kirche, oder/und der Ächtung der Mitglieder haben.
> >Nun gibt es aber Menschen, die diesen Normen nicht gerecht werden können oder wollen. Die sind dann in einer Zwickmühle! Was sollen sie tun? Sich den Normen der Mormonen unterwerfen, oder die eigene Individualität ausleben?
> >Und wer ist dafür verantwortlich?
> >Die Mormonen!
> Natürlich sind die Mormonen verantwortlich, schließlich sind diejenigen, die Sch... bauen Mormonen und natürlich sind die Mormonen für ihre Sch... selbst verantwortlich.

Diesen Abschnitt fand ich in der "womens corner" von Affirmation:

Old and still confused
I’m new here. A brief life story to start. I was never abused as a child to start, and grew up in a good Protestant home. But from Day One, I was a "Tomboy" (I am female, as you guessed). I never felt comfortable with "feminine things, actions, etc., preferring jeans to skirts any day. But I married, had 5 kids, and did what I supposed I should do. But my husband was a pervert eventually, and molested the girls, so I divorced him when I was about 35, which was also about the time I joined the church. During the past 37 years, I fell into some rebound behavior with guys, then remained celibate for a long time until I met a member of my ward whose husband had just left her after many years. We became close friends, and this eventually turned into a sexual relationship, but we were both too guilt ridden to continue, so we went to our Bishop and confessed all, and within a year were again able to take the Sacrament because we stopped our sexual behavior. We did not stop loving each other then, although in the next 5 or 6 years, things deteriorated, and even our friendship ended when she moved away. Since the time we saviour Bishop, I have been celibate again, have served a Stake Mission, teach Gospel Doctrine, and do not feel like a hypocrite because I am not doing, just feeling. I know not everyone can do that, especially when you are younger, but do not think that older people do not have the same needs and passions, maybe just more patience to be able to get by without(Yes, I masturbate, and often).
Is this an easy question, or are there easy answers? Not at all. I firmly believe the church and the Prophets are correct that marriage should be between a man and a woman only, but I have to admit my own tendencies now, especially having once had a same-sex experience (even though short lived). But I go on each day, sometimes fantasizing about having a woman lover and how wonderful it could be, and how much I really would want that, but at the same time, I know what it would do to my family, to my many grandchildren, and my own children. Nor could I face my friends in the ward where I have been a member for over 25 years. I am well liked and respected, but probably the astute ones may suspect that I have never remarried because of this, but most others would probably understand that it is extremely difficult for any single woman over 35-40 to ever find a good man in the church to marry (the good ones are taken by that age), so no one thinks it strange that I am not active in the Singles program. Yes, I suppose I need respect and friends more than I need sex. To be truly loved, however, would be a different thing. I gave that up once, but do not know if I could do that again.

Diese Frau ist im Zwiespalt zwischen ihren Gefühlen zu anderen Frauen, und ihrer Liebe zu ihrer Kirche.
Sie wählte den Weg des Verdrängens der eigenen Gefühle, wie so viele von uns!
Und viele zerbrachen daran! Und die, die noch nicht daran zerbrachen, nehmen Tabletten!
So einfach ist das!


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