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Verfasser: shana
Datum: Montag, den 21. Februar 2005, um 12:17 Uhr
Betrifft: le petit mort, voir les anges und noch ein bisschen mehr ...

> Auch die Geschlechtlichkeit Gottes wird hier angesprochen. Geschlechtlichkeit wird hier als etwas empfunden, was für diese Ebene seine Rolle verliert. Auch interessant in diesem Bericht eine Antwort eines Engels auf die Frage des "Experiencers" nach der Homosexualität. Der Engel fragt ihn zurück, was er dort (auf einer Leinwand in einem Raum) sehe. Er antwortet, zwei Lichtwesen auf der Erde, die Liebe machen. Er wird dann erneut gefragt: Und, welches Geschlecht haben diese beiden? Da das wegen des Lichts nicht beantwortbar ist, sagt ihm der Engel, dass das Geschlecht im Zusammenhang mit Liebe und Liebe geben unbedeutend ist. Relevant ist eher, ob hier Liebe zwischen einander liebenden Menschen ausgetauscht wird oder nur das Verlangen nach Lust befriedigt wird.

Es gibt bestimmt unzählige Wege, die zur Erleuchtung führen können. Ein ziemlich ’angenehmer’ Weg vor allem für jüngere Semester ist z. B. Sky-Dancing. Fällt mir nur gerade ein beim Thema ’Liebe machen’ und Lust befriedigen;-)

aus einem Interview mit Margot Anand (Sex as a Divine Experience by Virginia Lee)

VL: What is the path of the SkyDancer?

MA: This lineage, and the name Sky-Dancing, comes from Buddha Padma-sambhava who was a master alive in 8th- century Tibet, and his consort, Yeshe Sogyal, an enlightened female Buddha. She was called the SkyDancer. In a way, it’s a metaphor for the orgasmic state in which you feel very buoyant; you feel like you are floating — or dancing — in the sky. You are very light because you don’t have an ego to make you miserable and weigh you down. You are open to the spirit and know that your ecstatic Buddha-self already exists. You don’t have to go find it somewhere. The path of the SkyDancer is the path of the dakini and her male practitioner who are dedicated to their mutual awakening.

VL: Why do you think so many religions have taboos about sex?

MA: Traditionally, religion has always tried to control human sexuality, because when someone becomes ecstatic, they are free. The system that is run by the politicians and the priests wants to harness people’s energy so that the citizens will make money and support the priests and politicians. People are taught to believe that a priest is necessary for them to have a relationship with the divine. They do not believe it is possible to have this experience on your own, which is what tantra teaches. So, the priests have a vested interest in controlling people, especially when it comes to having an ecstatic experience. This is where the traditional separation between the flesh and the spirit comes from. The body has been regarded as the abode of evil instincts, while the spirit is what will bring you to God. When people are convinced of their original sin and guilt, they are under control of the church and are powerless. This is what I mean when I say that we are trapped in the Anti-Ecstatic Conspiracy. The system does not want us to wake up to our natural ecstasy. The moment a person does wake up, they become a free thinker and are considered dangerous. That’s when they become a “cultural creative,” someone who demands to have meaning in their life in every moment.

VL: How did you discover tantra?

MA: The first time I made love, I discovered tantra. Although I had never heard the word “tantra” and didn’t know what tantra was, in fact what I had was a tantric experience. In other words, it was an experience of consciousness expansion beyond the body, beyond the mind and beyond time so that I connected with the truth of who I truly am, that which existed before I was born and will continue to exist after I die. I am referring to the eternal Self.
I was thrown into an experience which was not even an experience anymore.It was the truth of my being. I realized the light of spirit and I knew that sexuality was going to be my path of awakening as a woman. That was my revelation the very first time I made love. That’s what put me on my path.
After I finished my studies in psychology, philosophy and history of art at the Sorbonne in Paris, I went on to research sacred sexuality around the world for seven years. I completed my master’s degree and now am finishing my Ph.D. through International Studies at the University of Hawaii.

Da Madame Anand eine wirklich gute Osho-Schülerin ist, steht sie ihrem Meister natürlich auch im Punkt Geschäftstüchtigkeit in nichts nach. Also bitte den link nicht ganz so ernst nehmen! War nur das erste, was mir bei Tantra spontan einfiel, und wie ihr Lehrer, hat Margo Anand zum Thema Sexualität und Spiritualität ja auch einige wirklich interessante Dinge zu sagen.

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